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First date... the horror. Pure horror.


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He seemed very nice and normal when I first met him. We both happened to be out with our dogs in the park a couple days ago, and he kept giving me looks and smiles until he finally went up to me. We started talking and when I had to get going, he asked me for a date for the next day. I was hesitant at first (I'm still in love with the guy I wrote about on eNA) but then I thought something 'new' could do me good to get my mind off N. So I agreed.


I wish I didn't.


Typical first date - normal restaurant (I'm actually not the type for such 1st date places but he insisted and I didn't want to be rude) - nothing expensive or anything, we just ate some and talked.


It was going fine.

But when he said "I'm so glad you agreed to our date. I've been trying to get dates with so many different women lately but to no avail. It almost got me depressed. And now the most attractive woman I've met in a long time says yes to me - it's awesome! First thing I will do when I get home is call my mom to tell her that!" I started thinking hmmm, now that's a little bit strange.


And he was completely serious. But I thought ah, he's probably just a little nervous.


But as the conversation went on, I just more and more wanted to get out of there.


He then probably thought it was a good idea to start talking (or should I say bragging) about how many fights he has gotten in. How everyone in town is "scared of his gang". How he broke someone's nose once. How he can fight five guys at once. How he had the cops on him once and physically assaulted a police officer and nearly got into jail. How someone insulted him once and beat up that person until the ambulance came ("Hey, I mean what should I do when someone insults me? The consequences are completely their fault!")


It stopped when I told him I'd prefer he does not talk about the kind of stuff with me. ("What, did I scare you? [laughs] No need to, I'd never hurt a woman like you") - then, he went on to talk about his past relationship.


How a girl cheated on him once and he got revenge by sleeping with that girl's best female friend - filming it and leaving the video on the girl's laptop. (the way he laughed about that... it made me wanna punch him)

How a girl broke up with him just cause he pulled her hair in a fight. How that girl got back together with him and broke up with again shortly after just cause he grabbed another girl's butt when he was drunk.


It was then that I got up, telling him that if he thought he could impress a woman by telling her such things on a date it was no wonder noone wanted to date him and left. He seemed really upset at that and yelled things like b*tch, "what about the sex we were going to have", etc.




Seriously, how sick can someone be? I mean he acted normal and first and he was fairly attractive as well.


It really just makes me wanna run into N's arms. With him is the only place I really ever feel totally warm and safe.


I miss you, N.

Why aren't you here with me?

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He then probably thought it was a good idea to start talking (or should I say bragging) about how many fights he has gotten in. How everyone in town is "scared of his gang". How he broke someone's nose once. How he can fight five guys at once. How he had the cops on him once and physically molested a police officer and nearly got into jail. How someone insulted him once and beat up that person until the ambulance came ("Hey, I mean what should I do when someone insults me? The consequences are completely their fault!")


lol don't you mean physically assaulted a police officer?


haha anyways, my gosh what are people thinking?! People are crazy. I hate first dates for this exact reason. You never know what you're gonna get.

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Dude has some serious angry management issues. Hope he didn't follow you home or anything.


Hmm, good you mention that. I haven't really checked if anyone was following me. I'm so careful with such things usually, no idea why I didn't check this time. It was quite dark as well...


If he is indeed stalking me (which I wouldn't be surprised at) then I already know what person to call.

Even though he's with another woman (which is a completely different and complicated story, check my previous threads if interested) he said he will always do his job as cop and wants to be protect me and be there for me if anything ever happens. God, I wish I didn't love him so much.

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it wasn't all that bad - at least your story entertained us. you can't make that stuff up.


Hmmmm, it wasn't that bad? Well I think it was. Of course I'm glad he didn't get physical or anything, but I mean you go on a date hoping it'll be good and when a person like this shows up, talks about these things (I wish you could've seen the way he talked & acted and the looks on his face...) then I guess you just are kind of disappointed.


If you have worse first-date experiences, I feel bad for you.

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if there is any silver lining here at all it is that he started talking about his crazyness on the first date. It would be so much worse if he somehow held it in and actually got a second, third. or fourth date.


BTW, from the way this guy sounds I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't actually try to molest a cop, or sheep for that matter.

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I like how he said he'd never hit a woman "like you". To me that means he'd hit a woman but maybe not you. You dodged a bullet.


That's what I thought, too! It seems odd though:

No woman ever wants to date me, you're the first one in a while so I have to call my mommy and tell her!


Ya, I am a cutthroat thug, essentially. I've killed a man with my bare hands, screw chicks on video and basically just rule.



Somebody is a liar!!!

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That's what I thought, too! It seems odd though:

No woman ever wants to date me, you're the first one in a while so I have to call my mommy and tell her!


Ya, I am a cutthroat thug, essentially. I've killed a man with my bare hands, screw chicks on video and basically just rule.



Somebody is a liar!!!


Lol, exactly what I was thinking. He was obviously trying to act all tough. I hate those people, God! Seriously, I don't hate people, but those kind of people deserve to have a piano fall on their head.

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