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Go to season 2 on the Keys To The VIP menu and find Derek aka Cajun and watch the 4 clips. In clip 3 of 4 he gets a girl who in my opinion, is perfect. He's not your typical good-looking guy but his confidence and calming influence gets the girl so easily. It CAN be done.

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PUA just to be a PUA is lame, but you do need those types of skills to get a girls number. it's basically making quick small talk, introducing yourself, make her laugh and maybe a compliment, get the number and moving on. that's really it. most girls are onto those PUA games though. don't play those lame games, stuff like that will work .00003% of the time if ever.

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PUA just to be a PUA is lame, but you do need those types of skills to get a girls number. it's basically making quick small talk, introducing yourself, make her laugh and maybe a compliment, get the number and moving on. that's really it. most girls are onto those PUA games though. don't play those lame games, stuff like that will work .00003% of the time if ever.


They may be on to it, but really, what is a girl expecting when she is approached by a guy? That he wants to be friends? Both sides know exactly what's going on it's just fun to keep it light and interesting.


I'm not a huge believer in the whole PUA thing. I feel bad for the girls on the show who really like the guys and are just part of a game. However, what the PUA thing does prove, is that confidence really does go a long way.


In the particular section I pointed out, that is a very average looking guy getting a gorgeous girl with confidence and by not taking things too seriously. She knows exactly what he is doing from the moment he says he isn't following her and later calls him on using a line. He handles it with confidence and gets her number.

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Agreed, I get tired of this pua business and the amount it is mentioned everywhere I go.


You use it too. (assuming you approach girls) All it is, is having confidence, and being smooth enough to keep a conversation progressing. People who are afraid of women classify it as being a PUA and it helps them gain confidence.

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PUA just to be a PUA is lame, but you do need those types of skills to get a girls number. it's basically making quick small talk, introducing yourself, make her laugh and maybe a compliment, get the number and moving on. that's really it. most girls are onto those PUA games though. don't play those lame games, stuff like that will work .00003% of the time if ever.


What do you mean by games exactly? Him saying she looks like she would be an actress? I see that as a compliment but being a bit more creative than "you have nice eyes" or whatever.

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What do you mean by games exactly? Him saying she looks like she would be an actress? I see that as a compliment but being a bit more creative than "you have nice eyes" or whatever.


you don't have to run game, you basically just have to be smooth and confident in the way you talk to women. you don't have to do the typical PUA type pickups. that's for tv shows, not reality. i'm saying just be genuine.

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you don't have to run game, you basically just have to be smooth and confident in the way you talk to women. you don't have to do the typical PUA type pickups. that's for tv shows, not reality. i'm saying just be genuine.


What's more genuine than 'hi, I'm >, how are you?'


I just don't see why guys have to do a song and dance to get women interested. Why does everything have to be a game?

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Lol well, PUA is kind of weird, but it acts as training wheels.

For guys who are not great with women, it gives them something to follow.

As they follow this pattern, and routines and whatever, they gain more confidence in themselves. Once they have the confidence, they no longer need the PUA material, as they discover what works for them. The guy in the video dosen't seem to be creepy at all does he? That's because he's adapted his own style, and has made it work.

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So pua is a thing that teaches men to be good at picking up girls. I remember seeing something about this and the women said they would be disgusted if they found out thier boyfriend used it. That kind of sucks. Not everybody had a nice life and had the opportunity to learn the required skills early on.

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So pua is a thing that teaches men to be good at picking up girls. I remember seeing something about this and the women said they would be disgusted if they found out thier boyfriend used it. That kind of sucks. Not everybody had a nice life and had the opportunity to learn the required skills early on.


Yeah, I've heard similar responses from girls.


The thing is, I'm not sure how helpful PUA really is. It does teach some life skills that are necessary to attracting women, but it also teaches a lot of misogyny. I downloaded one of Mystery's ebooks once, and was completely shocked at how sexist and degrading it was. I'm not surprised at the reactions to it.

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I find it funny that women get so offended by the whole idea of men using "PUA" techniques to attract them. I agree that the PUA's themselves are losers because they use it to prove they can, and not even to meet a girl they might eventually fall in love with. However, there is nothing harmful about the process.


Women need some sort of substance from a man in order for them to be attracted to them. If this weren't true, every guy would have a girl on his arm and vice versa. In some cases, that substance can be good looks. A good looking guy can go to a girl and say "Hi, how are you?" and he's good to go.


A guy that looks like "Cajun" from the video I linked cannot simply do that. He needs to show that he has something else to offer. In the case of the video, he shows that he doesn't take life too seriously and has a very assuring attitude and the girl obviously likes that in him.


As for "lines" or "games" or whatever you want to call it, EVERYONE knows that they exist. When you approach a girl (especially in a bar) the girl is well aware you're trying to win her over, so why not be interesting? Like I said to Ghost, the girl even calls him on using the "actress" line-she knows exactly what he's trying to do-and doesn't get offended by it at all. It's an interesting way of telling her she is attractive. And she seemed to appreciate it.


Sure, the original "pick-up" may be a bit fake in the sense that it could be rehearsed, but it is a great tool for a genuine guy to get a girl's attention and show what he really has to offer later on. You can't go up to a girl and say "Hi, I love music, playing sports and making pottery" and expect her to accept you. You need to be good-looking, witty, confident or all three and it needs to be fast (in most cases).


I think it's fun coming up with new interesting ways to approach girls. And I think girls appreciate original approaches as well. If an average-looking guy approaches a girl and says hey, I'm [insert name] you have nice eyes. That is boring. Of course you can make small talk and show your qualities that way, but I am positive that a memorable conversation will include PUA techniques whether they're meant to be or not. It's known by most as flirting. (surprise surprise). Some guys need it lined up for them in a technique known as pickup.


I've done fine with "hey, how's it going" but for guys who are not confident in their appearance, it isn't so easy. Knowing they have a tool to attract women is a big confidence-boost for them. And all it is, is showing that you have a vibrant personality. Some may argue that you shouldn't change just to meet someone, but nobody can say change isn't a positive if it's a good change. And becoming a fun person is a positive change.



Edit: I rambled on pretty good here and didn't have much time so it's probably not very cohesive. If anyone needs something cleared up just ask haha.

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By best ever pickup line was completely spontaneous:


It was in May of 1994 - I simply said summer is almost here , it's going to be a great summer. Picture this - we are on the lake, the sun is setting the water is glistening we have a picknick basket with cheese and wine on my boat. I said it sounds like you might be interested? I will have to get your number.


Needless to say it worked and I married her 2 years later.

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By best ever pickup line was completely spontaneous:


It was in May of 1994 - I simply said summer is almost here , it's going to be a great summer. Picture this - we are on the lake, the sun is setting the water is glistening we have a picknick basket with cheese and wine on my boat. I said it sounds like you might be interested? I will have to get your number.


Needless to say it worked and I married her 2 years later.


Sounds like you were already on a date?

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