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Should I leave her this letter?


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So now what's your next step?


Look I never said I was right and you or anyone else was wrong. I was giving my opinion based on the little bit of information that you posted. I was not saying that she is perfect. I don't know her. I was saying that based on what you were focusing on a lot of it seemed to be about her not being/doing what you wanted. Clearly there are a lot of other issues within your relationship and I'm sorry that you are going through this...I am, but I'm not going to just agree with you and tell you that she is horrible and mean when I don't know "her side" of things. I agree that what you just posted would be very difficult to deal with and I completely understand why you are concerned and worried. I just think that if you want to repair the relationship than a more rational approach is needed instead of lumping 800 issues together and trying to fix them all at once. If sex is the main issue then focus on that, but if her fidelity is what's really bothering then work on that. Either way there seems to be way too much conflict and confusion from both of you. I guess my question is, do you want to repair the relationship or do you want to move on?

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There are far too many issues in a ten month relationship to make it likely that a happy long-term relationship would work.


The fact is that this woman doesn't get boundaries. Friendship with members of the other sex is fine if they are just friendships where you have common interests and interact more of less as you would with friends of the same gender.


But friends of the same gender (or, at least, same sexual orientation) don't flirt or come onto each other sexually. Once that boundary is crossed it immediately becomes an inappropriate friendship even if the person with a partner was not the one who initiated the sexual aspect. If a friendship with someone becomes (or starts) in an inappropriate way then it undermines the relationship with a partner and should be ended. The fact she can't or won't understand that means she doesn't care enough about her partner to make a good relationship work.

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