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First time in two months


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Hey people.

I knew it was bound to happen sooner or later and tonite I saw him. I've not seen him since Superbowl Sunday. We go to the same gym, I would not go on the nights he goes. But last week I said to myself, I'm paying for it, I'll go when I want to. I haven't worn my glasses on purpose so I could not see him.

Well tonight while waiting in the hall for the body flow class he passed right by me, smiled and said "Hey L. How's it going?" I smiled right back and said "Hey how are you?" or something along those lines. That was it. I had been dreading seeing him because I am not strong enough. I figured I would be crying the rest of the night in the bathroom, but you know what? I didn't. I simply went to class.

Now, I'm second guessing myself. Maybe I should have been cooler. Damn him! I want him to contact me so bad. I was and I am doing so much better, but I would give anything to have him call me. Surely he's thinking of me as much as I am thinking of him. I wonder where his new g/f was. He was probably going to meet her. It was pretty early and he was heading out the door. AHHHHHHH!!!!! Why am I still caring about him???? I am sick of worrying about what he is doing and what he's thinking and who he's with!!!! How do you make yourself stop thinking about your ex? How?

I wonder if he still thinks he can have me as easily as he once could? That I would go back to him again? Maybe that's what that stupid smile meant. He knew he could wave me over and I'd go panting like a little puppy to his side begging for table scraps. Hell no!!! I want to let him know that it's not going to be that easy, assuming of course he even cares. Which he probably doesn't. So why am I obsessing? Help!!! How do you stop doing this? Somebody please tell me how. How do I get him out of my head?


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the way that i have learnt to get someone out of your head, is to JUST STOP THINKING ABOUT THEM! Once you start to think about them, just switch off and say "no". Then focus on something else. It is hard, but you have to just start to train yourself to do that. It does take time, and i only split with my ex 3 weeks ago! Unfortunatley being in the environment that you can see each other does make it hard, and me, i would just remove myself from that situation. That's being a bit of a wimp i know. But the way to stop thinking about them is purely just to focus on something else! Strange, but it sure does work! Just train youself to do it.

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I've been in the same situation as you, and I know exactly how you feel. Whenever you feel a thought about him creeping into your head, take a deep breath and push the thought out as you exhale (sounds corny but it works). Then go and listen to music, or call a friend, or get some work done, whatever stops you from thinking about it.


I know it's hard and it's the last thing you want to hear, but you won't be able to be truly happy until you move on. Don't let another person determine how happy you are - take charge and say 'to hell with you'!

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Lisaria you handled yourself well!! I agree with Allicat JUST STOP THINKING ABOUT HIM!! I know its not easy, as they say " Easier said than done!" but when I start to think about me ex I remind myself that his not worth the time of day and that there are better things to be thinking about! I think we all wish at times, that we could have a button to press and that would erase all thoughts and memories of our ex's but in time he'll be the last one you think about!!!


Hang in there... that was a hard thing to deal with and your hearts still ticking... you lived to share the moment and they'll only get easier!!


Thinking of you

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Hey people,

Thanks for your input. I'm working on it. This morning everytime I think of him I scream in my head. It's sort of working. Then I read my horoscope and it said that "you've crossed the mind of an ex-lover alot lately, and he or she may be ready to reconnect" Crap! Just what I don't want in my head this morning. I don't really believe that stuff, but a part of me is hoping, thinking...maybeeee.... Should I email him and say how good I thought he was looking? Hell No!!! Stupid!!! Even after all the mess we went through I still want him back. I need something to take my mind away from his slack a@@, I need a new lover.

Anyway, thanks you guys for your input. It makes me feel better to know that someone out there is pulling for me.


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I'm going through the same thing (like most of us I guess).


These are the things that best drive away my "evil" thoughts:


- Excercise (running does wonders.. at least for the moment)


- Dating others (even if you're not really interested in the other person)


- Hanging out with friends in a group (it really makes you feel like you're surrounded with love)


I wish there was an easier way. Anyone have similar tips?

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