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What does it mean if a girl is acting like this around you?


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I'm just curious, there is this group of friends that I hang out with and this one girl acts really strange around me. It seems like she is either really uncomfortable with me or I creep her out or something.


I don't really know her very well, but she is always with them when we hang out. We will all be hanging out talking at a bar, and sometimes she will be standing right next to me, kind of up against me touching me (cut off from the group a bit) and I will try to be nice and talk to her. Whenever I do, she answers in a quick one-two word answers and walks away from me as fast as possible! One time, she was dancing around me and said she wanted to dance with someone, so I offered. She told me told me she doesn't dance with men (which is not true lol, the first time I met her she picked up a random guy in the club...).


One time later on, she was standing right next to me sort of moving a little bit to the beat of a sound that was playing and I turned and said playfully, "you better be careful doing that, someone might think you are dancing with me." This girl just turned and walked away when I said that.


Another time I came to meet this group of friends (bringing two of my own friends who they don't really know), and everyone left besides my few friends and I, and completely surprisingly she stayed. She didn't really say anything, just sat at the table. A couple times I tried to talk to her and again she would just answer very quickly and then turn away from me for a while... Not too long after I decided to head out and said goodbye to her, I said, "bye [____], don't know when I will see you again." She responds, "Yes you do" and then told me where she would be next week (I'm never there, so I don't know why she said that).


Whenever I try to hug her goodbye/hello (like I do to all of my female friends), she does the whole arms around my waist instead of my neck, and like barely touches me thing lol. I finally stopped trying to talk to her, hug her goodbye, etc. Why do you think she would act like this? I have never done anything weird that might creep her out. She also never holds eye contact with me.

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Maybe it's that blood drenched hunting knife you walk around with! I don't know, based on your description she sounds kinda crazy at worst and kinda weird at least. If I were in your place I would just sluff it off.


You really think the knife would put her off like that? I try to clean the blood off most of the time.

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She likes you and she's playing hard to get. She's trying to be intriguing and mysterious, but it's coming off more confusing than anything.


If she didn't like you, she wouldn't be standing close to you and cutting you off from the group, she wouldn't be dancing with you at all, and she wouldn't be telling you where she's going to be hanging out. She wants you to play along and pursue her.

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I think I'm going to be the only one in this case, but I get a weird feeling she likes you based on what you've written. If you are interested in this girl, I'd suggest being straight up with her, then you'll know for sure. If you aren't, don't give it a second thought.


I'm not really interested in her or not interested in her. She is definitely very pretty, but mostly I just want us to get along well because she is part of a group of people I have begun to hang out with more and more. To be honest, this whole thing she is doing sort of turns me off towards her. I actually met the group through a different girl I kind of "dated" for a short time, and she is actually trying to get back together with me (I think), but that is a-whole-nother story.


She likes you and she's playing hard to get. She's trying to be intriguing and mysterious, but it's coming off more confusing than anything.


If she didn't like you, she wouldn't be standing close to you and cutting you off from the group, she wouldn't be dancing with you at all, and she wouldn't be telling you where she's going to be hanging out. She wants you to play along and pursue her.


I have never heard of a girl doing that if she likes you. I mean, she acts like she is scared of me or something. If that is her trying to get me to like her, it is absolutely the worst strategy I have never seen. When I see her interacting with other people (everyone else), she seems like a cool person. I just want to know how to get her to treat me normal.


And to clarify, she isn't cutting me off from the group where she stands, she is cutting herself off. I feel kind of bad her standing there, like I am blocking her kind of, so I will turn to say something to her. When I do, she bolts over to the opposite side of the "circle" of people starts talking to them.


She is actually on Facebook right now (5:30AM) lol, maybe she is staying on hoping I will talk to her so she can log off right away. XD

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She likes you and she's playing hard to get. She's trying to be intriguing and mysterious, but it's coming off more confusing than anything.


If she didn't like you, she wouldn't be standing close to you and cutting you off from the group, she wouldn't be dancing with you at all, and she wouldn't be telling you where she's going to be hanging out. She wants you to play along and pursue her.


I agree with this. She's playing hard to get, but she's awkward at the same time. It sounds like she's got your attention (her goal) and now she's wants you to keep chasing her. If you like that kind of thing, then play her game. If not, then you're probably saving yourself from a lot of drama in the long run.

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She likes you, but I think she's extremely insecure! thats not normal behavior it sounds like...she can't handle her emotions? the way you paint her picture is not too great... i would hope you just didn't paint it well enough, cause if you did... sheesh... i wouldn't want to get into that if i was a guy...

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So, is there anything I can do to make her act more normally around me?


I think she is just a little slow socially. She is probably frustrated that you don't show romantic interest and is "punishing" you by not being forward with her. Who really knows though, cause this girl sounds pretty weird and cryptic haha.


I don't know, I mean she seems really well socially around everyone but me. This girl is at the bar 2-3 times a week, friends with the bartenders, knows a lot of people there, dances on the bar tables. She doesn't strike me as insecure or having zero social skills, in fact she seems pretty cool sans me.

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So, is there anything I can do to make her act more normally around me?




I don't know, I mean she seems really well socially around everyone but me. This girl is at the bar 2-3 times a week, friends with the bartenders, knows a lot of people there, dances on the bar tables. She doesn't strike me as insecure or having zero social skills, in fact she seems pretty cool sans me.


If she's dancing on bar tables then I change my mind haha. I really doubt a girl like that would have any trouble showing interest. I am now just as stumped as you. Let us know what ends up happening here, it should be interesting.

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Sure, I'll post an update. I'm going to a party tonight and she will be there. I have heard from people that she is extremely hard to get, near impossible. I don't care about "getting" her though, I just want it to stop being awkward.

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I agree with everyone that she most probably likes you. However, I really don't think her behavior is planned or even all that conscious. It sounds to me like she is afraid of letting on that she likes you and being rejected, especially since you've probably never paid any special attention to her/given her any signals of interest. She probably means to act nonchalant but ends up being awkward around you and even acting the opposite way, like she hates you/dislikes you/is afraid of you, etc.


I don't really have any "tried advice" to give you but since it really sounds like you aren't interested in her, I think you should just continue to act completely normal around her. Try not to be awkward at all around her (no matter how awkward she gets) and continue to be friendly without giving her false hope. In all cases, ignore that behavior completely.

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