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Someone Knock Some Sense Into Me


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First off, if this was someones else story I would tell them that they're crazy and to be glad they're out of the situation.


Long story short - I yahooed with this guy for 6 months. We talked about our days and whatnot, but a lot of the time he turned it sexual and wanted cybersex, which I refused.

Anyway, I had to travel thru his state so we met up. He wouldn't even look me in the eye and said it was just easier to talk on the computer. After that we never talked again except for 1 text I sent him.


I know the whole 'relationship' was unhealthy (he's divorced 4 times and accused of sexual harassment twice), so why am I obsessed that he ended contact? I kept thinking there was something wrong with how I looked but finally figured it out that I was just his online fantasy. But I'm still obsessed and I hate feeling this way.


And here's the sick(er) thing - I was never physically attracted to him, but he posted a pic of him and his new girlfriend on Facebook, and I'm feeling twinges of jealousy. I know it's not right to feel this way and wouldn't want to be in a relationship with him, so what's going on with my thinking?? Maybe it's just the rejection factor???


I'm going through a divorce after 20 years together, and just trying to figure things out (relationships dynamics). Don't know if this has anything to do with it or not.

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When the attraction is online looks have very little to do with it. It made you feel good that he wanted you, until you found out it was only in cyberspace. Now he's with someone else in person, so she got a piece of him he denied you.


Makes perfect sense. The last sentence got me thinking, and if the part of being denied refers to a sexual situation, then that could have happened if I wanted. I guess it's the relationship aspect that he denied me that's bothering me.


Thanks - sometimes it's hard to see the forest through the trees

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Makes perfect sense. The last sentence got me thinking, and if the part of being denied refers to a sexual situation, then that could have happened if I wanted. I guess it's the relationship aspect that he denied me that's bothering me.


Thanks - sometimes it's hard to see the forest through the trees


You're welcome, I come by my wisdom very honestly, by having been lost in many forests.

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I think also the reason you may be feeling this 'obsession' is because you never got any closure to the situation - it's like sometimes when i have an issue and feeling troubled by it, all that i need is for someone to acknowledge it and then i feel at ease.

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