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Random message from ex today


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So to make a long story short: my b/f and I dated for almost 3 years, he broke up with me out of nowhere on May 18th, then he regreted his decision about 2 weeks later and took me back...only to break up with me again 1 week after that.


Then we managed to keep in contact with eachother until about 17 days ago. We would see eachother about 2x a week and we would always manage to hook up. I basically got tired of being on this emotional rollercoaster and I sent him an email telling him very nicely to not contact e anymore because I need time to be by myself.


So of course the last thing I was expecting was to get a picture message from him today at 3pm. It was an old pic of me about 2 years ago when I got into a car accident, the pic is of me sitting in the hospital bed with a neck brace on and giving 2 thumbs up lol. He sent me the picture and he wrote "hey I was looking through my phone today and I happened to come accross this, I chuckled and thought you would too! hope you're having a great day"


I was debating about whether or not to respond but I didn't want to be a B*tch so about 30 min later i responded "haha thanks". The fact that he contacted me started to make me think about him more and more and then later today i found out that his favorite dj Deadmau5 is gonna be in town nov 13th so i acted on impulse and went ahead and bought 2 VIP tix!!!! and then I told him that I had the tix and if he would go with me


I feel sooooooooooo stupid now! Ugh Just when i think i'm doing better he reels me back in. He was so excited about the tix that I can't go back on my word now I miss him so much, and really thought he was the one...and even 3 months later i'm still holding on and can't let go

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This man doesn't know what he wants. As long as you allow yourself to be pushed away and pulled back in I can guarantee you that the game will continue on in that way. He had his second chance and blew it. Remember the old saying... Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me.

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Haha yeah...so he was just looking through his phone and he just wanted to make you chuckle...this guy is a player, period. He is toying with you and you are letting him. Next time he does this - send a random text just to see if you're still pining for him - you IGNORE him...........then maybe he will decide if he wants you or not.

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Well, you've seen my take on this already. If you keep giving him commitment-free sex (which readers of your threads will know you have been), this saga will go on and on and on.


I once had a 17-year-old "friend with benefits," and she came over once a week, and we'd go out and have fun, then we'd come back to my apartment to have sex (which she really wanted). That mighta gone on forever had she not eventually wised up and cut off the supply.

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I am in a similar situation to you. After initially being with my ex for 6 months he ended the relationship and we became FWB fo 8 months which I ended because I couldn't deal with the roller coaster of emotions I was constantly on either. After 12 weeks he contacted me (he also contacted me at 5 weeks). He reminisced over old photos of us, asked after "his girls" (my daughters from a previous marriage) and reeled me back in again in much the same way that your ex did.


I am still not sure what he wanted but basically he started backing off and I reacted to that. My actions may have pushed him completely away from me now and I am back at square one, healing all over again when I had reached a point of indifference.


The best advice I can give you is NOT to assume or expect anything from this contact unless he tells you for definate otherwise, that way you can't be hurt if his contact doesn't amount to anything. Of course hope is going to spring from this contact but try to stay focussed on the path you were on.


As much as I thought I was at a stage where I could handle his contact, I really wasn't and I was really hoping he wanted more that to start off our FWB situation again. He didn't and it hurts and I would hate for you to end up where I am now.

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Well, you've seen my take on this already. If you keep giving him commitment-free sex (which readers of your threads will know you have been), this saga will go on and on and on.


I once had a 17-year-old "friend with benefits," and she came over once a week, and we'd go out and have fun, then we'd come back to my apartment to have sex (which she really wanted). That mighta gone on forever had she not eventually wised up and cut off the supply.


cut off the supply lololo this is funny!!

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