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so i met up with this guy off an online dating site tonight for a "casual date" at starbucks. i thought it went well, i could tell we hit it off. he even asked me out to a movie friday night.


he said he was going somewhere at 8 so we left. we didn't hug/kiss goodbye but left it with "let me know about the movie".


i came home, we texted a bit, i told him he we awesome and he thought i was "quite cute". hah. but i logged on the dating site and he was online...


that was like an hour ago. i logged on again just now and hes still on.


so what does this all mean. am i over-thinking this.. ?

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Eh, that would turn me off (if he was logged on an hour after being with me), but such is the nature of on-line dating. See if he calls you for the movie. If he doesn't call you in the next 2-3 days, I probably would look elsewhere...


I agree with Ren about the egg basket thing...

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It could mean a lot of things. He could be checking out other girls. He could be talking to girls he was already emailing before he went on your date.


He COULD be looking at your profile, profile picture, if he had a really good time with you...


He could have also just left his browser open without logging off.


There are a lot of possibilities....

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It doesn't necessarily mean anything bad, you've only been on one date with him--even if he's really interested in you, it's way too soon to expect him to suddenly stop talking to every other girl on the site he's been communicating with. ( Though maybe he's on messaging them, "Never mind, just met my soulmate!" ) Just relax and see how the date on Friday goes...

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so i met up with this guy off an online dating site tonight for a "casual date" at starbucks. i thought it went well, i could tell we hit it off. he even asked me out to a movie friday night.


he said he was going somewhere at 8 so we left. we didn't hug/kiss goodbye but left it with "let me know about the movie".


i came home, we texted a bit, i told him he we awesome and he thought i was "quite cute". hah. but i logged on the dating site and he was online...


that was like an hour ago. i logged on again just now and hes still on.


so what does this all mean. am i over-thinking this.. ?


um that was a meet and greet.

a lot of guys are on match until theyre in a totaly committed relationship !


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You guys just only had ONE date. Doesn't mean anything. Has he asked you out again to see the movie?


Don't put your eggs all in one basket. You'll get hurt. You can see he isn't.


he basically asked me during the date. i had texted him the night before saying i wanted to see inglorious basterds and tonight he told me wnated to see it too, and asked if i'd like to go. we didn't know if it was opening on friday or if it was out already so it was sort of depending on figuring that out...

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um that was a meet and greet.

a lot of guys are on match until theyre in a totaly committed relationship !



i'm not expecting him to have gone home and deleted his profile. i'm just saying, i thought it went well and i'm surprised hes online since he said he was going to be out somewhere tonight.

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i'm not expecting him to have gone home and deleted his profile. i'm just saying, i thought it went well and i'm surprised hes online since he said he was going to be out somewhere tonight.

I totally understand and I would feel the same way, especially if he had just seen me, what, an hour ago?

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I'm in a similar situation, but we've been on 3 dates and have all been great, and we've both said we really enjoy our time together and we want to spend more together.


I hid my profile after the last date...I'm not looking for exclusivity or anything just yet, but I'm good just to date her and see where it goes. However, I noticed that she checks her profile every single day....I know she's not to see if I'm online as my profile is hidden.


Not sure I can give advice except if it wasn't online, we wouldn't know or not that someone was still looking...so just go with it and if it works out, great...if not, start again!

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Just see when he calls....that will tell you. If he's not calling, he's not interested. If he is, you'll hear from him soon.




i can sit here all night and say "he could of been doing this" or whatever, but the fact of it is that if he wants to see me, he'll contact me. that's it.

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Why did you go online? Whatever the reason you went online could be the same reason that he did.


yeah but he ended the date because his friends were texting him to meet up somewhere. it makes me think that he lied to end the date so he could go home and check out other girls. idk...

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I'm in a similar situation, but we've been on 3 dates and have all been great, and we've both said we really enjoy our time together and we want to spend more together.


I hid my profile after the last date...I'm not looking for exclusivity or anything just yet, but I'm good just to date her and see where it goes. However, I noticed that she checks her profile every single day....I know she's not to see if I'm online as my profile is hidden.


Not sure I can give advice except if it wasn't online, we wouldn't know or not that someone was still looking...so just go with it and if it works out, great...if not, start again!


I have a very similar situation to yours. After the third date, I hid my profile too. Since my SO checked her profile every other day, I basically asked her if she still went on. She told me that she actually thought the messages she got were hilarious - she had to log in to see them.


Go with it. I'd say it is a bit too soon to say anything. Go with the flow.

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i wouldn't even analyze this since it was just one date just wait and see what happens with the other dates you may or may not have. Don't start over thinking everything that happens it might make you go into madness wondering about his every move ya know.

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It doesn't necessarily mean anything bad, you've only been on one date with him--even if he's really interested in you, it's way too soon to expect him to suddenly stop talking to every other girl on the site he's been communicating with. ( Though maybe he's on messaging them, "Never mind, just met my soulmate!" ) Just relax and see how the date on Friday goes...

I am dating a guy I met online too and it is going really well. We are on date #6 . I go through that crap too. I finally decided to stop checking his profile. Did you know he can track how many times you check? Dont do it! You have no business worrying about that until you are monogamous and before you are, make it a rule that you both close your accounts. meanwhile, don't become a stalker hehe, and get busy dating others, seeing your pals, working out, and doing your own fun hobbies. If he doesnt call by Wednesday for a date on the weekend then don't agree to a date. Make other plans, even with friends, or yourself whatever. Never wait around for the guy even if you are thinking obsessively about him. I know how you feel but you have to fight the urfe to obsess.

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I am dating a guy I met online too and it is going really well. We are on date #6 . I go through that crap too. I finally decided to stop checking his profile. Did you know he can track how many times you check? Dont do it! You have no business worrying about that until you are monogamous and before you are, make it a rule that you both close your accounts. meanwhile, don't become a stalker hehe, and get busy dating others, seeing your pals, working out, and doing your own fun hobbies. If he doesnt call by Wednesday for a date on the weekend then don't agree to a date. Make other plans, even with friends, or yourself whatever. Never wait around for the guy even if you are thinking obsessively about him. I know how you feel but you have to fight the urfe to obsess.

lol I meant "urge" not "urfe" !


If he calls past Wednesday for a weekend date, say "I would luv to see you! but I already made plans"


You are too valuable to wait around and not make plans for yourself.

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I am dating a guy I met online too and it is going really well. We are on date #6 . I go through that crap too. I finally decided to stop checking his profile. Did you know he can track how many times you check? Dont do it! You have no business worrying about that until you are monogamous and before you are, make it a rule that you both close your accounts. meanwhile, don't become a stalker hehe, and get busy dating others, seeing your pals, working out, and doing your own fun hobbies. If he doesnt call by Wednesday for a date on the weekend then don't agree to a date. Make other plans, even with friends, or yourself whatever. Never wait around for the guy even if you are thinking obsessively about him. I know how you feel but you have to fight the urfe to obsess.


Yeah I gave on checking, but I only was settled after I asked her. I mean if you two are monogamously dating each other, there's nothing to worry about.

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