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There i've said it, i was with my ex for almost 3 years, very on/off, i've posted about it on here previously so you think i would know better right? Wrong. I can't seem to let go, he doesn't care at all, as said over and over that it's best we both walk away, i'm ashamed to admit that i still text/call him, he's been off out on dates, going out with friends etc.... everythings fine for him, he's happy, he's doing fine and i'm not. We broke up the end of May, I've been off work sick for weeks, seen a counsellor briefly, been to my doctor who said i was depressed, i've even just came back from a holiday and nothing seems to be working i feel as though i'm driving myself crazy.


He didn't even treat me nicely, why am i acting like a clingy, needy child who as to be in constant contact i know no contact is the way to go, i've done it before, for 2 whole years before we got back together for those 3 years but i can't seem to physically do it, i know i'm hurting myself time and time again, i just can't see a way out and it's tearing me up inside

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Just wanted to give you a really big hug ((((HUG)))))


Go NC, because you are making yourself so unhappy. He is doing things his way, and that's right for HIM. You need to find a way of making YOU happy. That means finding something that makes you forget - even for 5 minutes - every minute you don't think about him is a milestone. Is there something you have always wanted to do but never had the chance to do?

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Just wanted to give you a really big hug ((((HUG)))))


Go NC, because you are making yourself so unhappy. He is doing things his way, and that's right for HIM. You need to find a way of making YOU happy. That means finding something that makes you forget - even for 5 minutes - every minute you don't think about him is a milestone. Is there something you have always wanted to do but never had the chance to do?


Thank you Stella. Yes you're right, i haven't been happy at all in the whole 3 months since the split and i know having the contact is a lot to do with that, although the nc is going to hurt like hell too, a no-win situation really isn't it. I'm looking into joining a gym with my sister, i'm a healthy size though so will just do it to keep fit, something to focus on i guess. I'm 24 so at that difficult age where friends are doing their own thing, they have bf's, some live too far away too, just sucks at the moment.

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I'm 24 so at that difficult age where friends are doing their own thing, they have bf's, some live too far away too, just sucks at the moment.


I'm going through that at the moment, its tough but its just not your time to be in a relationship right now. If you're keen take up a sport to keep fit, there'll be a noticeboard at the gym with teams to join. Even a running team or a cycling team, no competitions more socialising. I'm going to re-join a band again to meet new people. Just got to put yourself out there hun. I know you'll do well because you know what's going wrong and why. So you can stop all the self destructive behaviour and concentrate on getting better.


There is at least one person who's rooting for you

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