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ok here i go the old breakup and was with someone else question????


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ok, so i have went thru this before. brokeup he had sex with someonelse while we were broke up. i can't really say anything because we were broke up but it still hurts. now my friend is going thru the same thing. we both feel the same way. because both are boyfriends had sex with someone else right after we broke up. why so soon? and after all that i love you baby crap.

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I had an ex girlfriend that did this. The only reason it pissed me off was because she lied about it. If she had told me that she had slept with someone while we were broken up, you are right, I would be upset but I don't think she would have done anything wrong. Perhaps acted a bit * * * * ty. In the end though, it is understandable because people use sex in such a situation to make themselves feel better and to get rid of intimacy withdrawal. They might also do it for revenge, but if that were the case then they would be trying to throw it in your face and usually end up screwing themselves over worse then they screwed you over. Frankly, the more they love you, the more likely it probably is that they will have sex shortly after a relationship. Its therapy, or so it seems at first glance.

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honestly i dont think its right at all.. if someone tell you they love you and what not and really ment it.. i wouldnt even have to audacity to be thinking about having sex with someone else.. i would still be thinking about my ex and how i had feelings for her.

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WindowTo is pretty much dead on with what I think. I had a fiance that had sex with multiple partners right after breaking up. I felt destroyed, it's not a easy thing to swallow. But, really it's just therapy, the need to be with someone, anyone. Years later I was given an apology and confessed to about how screwed up her mindset was at that time.

You're not alone in terms of this happening. I know how you feel and majority of the people in person will usually just think "you guys broke up, so you just need to get over it." when it's more complicated then just that.


You'll be okay, stay strong. I hope the answers of this board help you and your friend.

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