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Girls and their friends


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The topic may be misleading and this post may be sort of random but here goes.


I hear alot of complaining from girls that guys just want to get in their pants. Guys date them, they withhold sex, and guy leaves. Guy is a friend, girl breaks up with boyfriend, guy friend jumps on her. Girl has guy friend, girl goes through rough time, guy friend helps girl and expects sex in return for helping.


How could you avoid that? Be friends with other women, but women are horrible horrible people to eachother and I've seen it in action so yea. I kinda feel bad for women although I'm sure not all of you have such problems.


To relate to this, I put it in terms of what women seem to want from men. Money. Men want the vagina, and women want to money. So I imagine, if I won the lottery, I would have to be careful with every woman I meet. (I'm not saying all of you are gold diggers just go along with me and don't cuss me out for generalising, this is just a trying to understand how it is type thing). So If I was rich, I would have to watch who I marry, who I have sex with, they might try to get pregnant or marry me to divorce me andtake half my money. Is that sort of thing sort of what its like for women? Like you have to watch out who you are with, because he might just want the sex and leave you with nothing in return?


What sucks about that is its like...you are giving us the sex. As if women get nothing from sex. I saw a standup with eddie griffin. Hes talking about his wife or somthing, and they are fighting. His wife says "I gave you all this * * * * * !" And eddie goes "Well I gave you some * * * * ! We're even!" Is it not even? I guess most girls arent always pleasured by sex and men pretty much always are.


Well, sorry for the long and quite random post, but I'd like to hear anybodys thoughts on whatever it is I just said if you even bothered to read it lol.

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LOL! I had and have my own money and married for love and dated men who I liked and saw potential with for marriage. I was financially stable and expected that the man I was seriously involved with would be as well (no interest in pursuing a "wealthy" man - I didn't reject someone because he was wealthy but didn't pursue it eitehr) I knew from early on my husband had a crush on me even though we weren't dating just yet and we took things at a pace that was comfortable for both of us (which for us meant waiting sevral months before being intimate). There was no withholding going on or so-called "games".


I have lovely, close, female friends - a few for 30 years now. I have lovely, close male friends who I have never dated and never will. I've encountered men and women in my life who were not kind or compassionate people or who turned out not to be - not about gender. There were times I sought out advice from a man as opposed to a woman because there are differences of course but to label women as "catty" just because some women (and men!) are is so unfair (and wrong).


I see physical intimacy as a give and take and did not pursue relationships with people who seemed to want a sex partner and not a relationship. I never had casual sex and never felt like sex was some kind of bargain we struck. If I had felt that way I wouldn't have had sex. I dated and was involved in serious long term relationships for about 25 years before getting serious with my now husband and rarely felt bitter or jaded -- because on the whole I was treated with respect and like a lady and since I treated myself that way it wasn't difficult to walk away from situations early on that would not have been healthy for me.

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women want money and men want... vagina.

huh.... sorry you are that jaded to think this is close to true.


let me tell you what i think, we both want Partners!


you might want to refrain from taking too much information from a standup comedians act also..

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This is exactly what its like...for me at least. Its not that women dont enjoy sex as much as men but women tend to become more emotionally attached, therefore, it has more meaning than when a man has sex. Mostly because men are able to separate sex and emotion. So that is why some women put a lot of emphasis on sex and its not viewed as equal. If that was the case and sex was equal there would be no such thing as prostitutes or strippers.

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I have great women friends, have always been treated well by the men I had relationships with, and married (a man with no money) for love.

I don't hold the image that men will be interested in me just for sex, nor do I feel that I need to find a man to support me.

I imagine how damaging it would be a person's dating experiences if those are the beliefs he/she has. Like a self-fulling prophecy!

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This is just my personal observation so please dont be mad. lol But most women who can separate emotion from sex tend to sleep around. Most men dont view these women as relationship material.


obvious observation there.


but think perhaps when men behave this way it works to their advantage because its less likely to deter someone from seeing them as relationship material?

since it is 'expected' of men..

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obvious observation there.


but think perhaps when men behave this way it works to their advantage because its less likely to deter someone from seeing them as relationship material?

since it is 'expected' of men..


Hmm, maybe! But I noticed (again my own observation lol) that a lot of women will ignore red flags like this and believe they can change the man.

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The topic may be misleading and this post may be sort of random but here goes.


I hear alot of complaining from girls that guys just want to get in their pants.


That's just something that won't change. A lot of people I know whether they be acquaintances or friends seem to always have sex on the brain and talk freely about women whom they do not know that they'd like to have sex with in detail. A good bit of those friends just consider it "guy talk" which I don't buy, but then again maybe I'm just old fashion and believe that you should respect women instead of treating them as objects. I'd also like to add that there are so many "players" running about nowadays it makes men less trustworthy to a woman.


Guys date them, they withhold sex, and guy leaves. Guy is a friend, girl breaks up with boyfriend, guy friend jumps on her. Girl has guy friend, girl goes through rough time, guy friend helps girl and expects sex in return for helping.

For me If I help out a girl that's a friend I don't expect anything out of it except for the hope that what I did was of some significance. Now in those examples I'd say it is somewhat common for a man to comfort a woman and the man misinterpreting the situation after feeling closer to her which of course leads to the guy jumping the girl's bones.

If a girl has a strong mindset that guys do everything for a bit of p00n, then I can only guess there is a good reason why they would think that(probably a bad experience.)



How could you avoid that?

Like a bit above I think majority of the women that have that mindset is because of either a bad experience they had or just the lack of quality guys they know.


To relate to this, I put it in terms of what women seem to want from men. Money. Men want the vagina, and women want to money. So I imagine, if I won the lottery, I would have to be careful with every woman I meet. (I'm not saying all of you are gold diggers just go along with me and don't cuss me out for generalising, this is just a trying to understand how it is type thing). So If I was rich, I would have to watch who I marry, who I have sex with, they might try to get pregnant or marry me to divorce me andtake half my money. Is that sort of thing sort of what its like for women? Like you have to watch out who you are with, because he might just want the sex and leave you with nothing in return?


I think you're somewhat on the right track for a good comparison. Both are relating to being betrayed by the opposite sex one way or another however the example of a man wanting sex and nothing else is a wider scale then the comparison you're giving. Now I noticed you got attacked a little bit by a couple of women on the board for it but, I can understand where you're coming from on the money thing. If you're wealthy, there are so many people in the world that do things just live their way whether it be something illegal or in this case marriage for material items. So it's something that happens time to time unfortunately. Luckily I'm not the richest guy so I don't have to worry about that


Anyways just finish up my post here...It's an unfair generalization for some women to have against men, but you can't blame them. From what I've seen it's about 50/50 on which of us are pigs and which of us aren't. If there are girls you know that you'd just like to be friends with but, are uneasy because of how they think of men..the only thing I can say really is that trust isn't built overnight. You just have to prove that you're someone without ill intentions....or become gay and make it blatantly obvious.

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This is just my personal observation so please dont be mad. lol But most women who can separate emotion from sex tend to sleep around. Most men dont view these women as relationship material.


Not necessarily. I've never really had problems separating the two and I don't sleep around, not that there's anything wrong with that.

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Yeh, my thoughts are that if you were the richest guy on earth, I wouldn't go out with you. You've a lot to learn. Bye


Yea I'm guessing you didn't read at all.


All this comes from what I've seen from girls I know. I can't name more than 1 girl that I know, or have known that has more than a couple female friends, and a ton of guy friends. Because they "don't get along" with other women. The same goes with everything else I said in the op. I like to talk to people, so I tend to learn alot about girls (they like to talk more than guys do lol). And so far its always been the same sort of stuff that I said in my first post. Sorry for observing and posting what I see in life miss MCA. I've a lot to learn? Thats true, you act like it should hurt my feelings. Sorry I didn't have a high class society life, you might find love easier if you didn't judge people.

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