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Am I overanalyzing?


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I've been with my boyfriend for over six months and I love him. He said he loved me a couple months in, but he said it was the infatuated kind of love and that the real kind was coming soon, he could tell.


Does it mean anything that he still hasn't said it even when I've said it to him? I was just reading posts where people said it happened a few weeks in.. if it hasn't happened after this many months, is that weird? :S


I mean, he treats me well and we have a great relationship, so I'm okay with everything. I just feel like we're 'behind' or something? I'm probably overthinking this. I wouldn't actually say this to him, cause I wouldn't want to pressure him or anything - he should take his time.


I guess I'm just wondering if anyone views this as strange or if it is the norm?

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Every relationship is different, what may work for others may not work for you. Stop going by other people relationships and just focus on your own. Feelings takes time to grow. If you're happy and he's treating you well then that's all that should matter. I've seen many relationships where couples tell each other that they love them, and then within a few weeks or months, the relationship is doomed. Only you know what is right for your relationship, and surely with such a great relationship - the "love" word will slowly fall into place. Just be patient and know that when he actually says it, he will most likely mean it.

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Every relationship is different, what may work for others may not work for you. Stop going by other people relationships and just focus on your own. Feelings takes time to grow. If you're happy and he's treating you well then that's all that should matter. I've seen many relationships where couples tell each other that they love them, and then within a few weeks or months, the relationship is doomed. Only you know what is right for your relationship, and surely with such a great relationship - the "love" word will slowly fall into place. Just be patient and know that when he actually says it, he will most likely mean it.



I know you're right, my feelings just waivered for a moment I guess.

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Took my SO & I to say I love you about 6 months maybe alitte more... into the relationship. Take it slowwww. Most (not all) relationships that start fast, end fast. Enjoy what you have & take it one day at a time. I dont think its strange, at all. I find it strange when people say they "love" someone after a month!

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I wish more people would figure this out. Most people mistake lust for love and that is nothing to build a relationship on. All you are doing is satisfying each other with your bodies.


It takes time to build the friendship. To know each other's ups and downs. To accept the quirks and the little habits. Truth be told, I still think it's better to build the friendship first.

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