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Ode to the Stupid Jerk


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It came to me the other day

Surprised me with how right it felt

After all the wonderful things I've thought of you

How your presence always made me melt


Stupid Jerk, You win

Stupid Jerk, You're a has been

Stupid Jerk, I loved you

Stupid Jerk, You lost me


All I ever wanted was a chance to make you happy

All I ever wanted was a single opportunity

But you didn't believe in us or in our future

You believed what would cost you the least


Stupid Jerk, You win

Stupid Jerk, You're a has been

Stupid Jerk, I loved you

Stupid Jerk, You lost me


I hung on as long as I could

Ever hoping, ever wishing

But you never really liked me

You just liked my sexy words


Stupid Jerk, You win

Stupid Jerk, You're a has been

Stupid Jerk, I loved you

Stupid Jerk, You lost me


I always try to face my demons

I want to do the hardest thing

I can leave you now with pleasure

Since I've now tried everything


Stupid Jerk, It's so freeing

Stupid Jerk, I feel so good

Stupid Jerk, I'm all done pining

Stupid Jerk, I'm gone for good

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Sounds like a song the singer "Pink" would sing! Maybe you should send it to her!


Haha, I don't think so. I'm sure I can work out the music to go along with it. It's not entirely angry, it's happy and hopeful too.


Thanks for the suggestion though.

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