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confused about everything....


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i dont kno how to go about findin the rite person nemore or if i should even bother....ive been in and out of relationships constantly since i was 16 the first two were one yrs with good ppl that had jobs and were motivated and cared about me...then after that i just ended up wit drug addict or an * * * * * * * or both... i seem to just get so caught up in wantin them to be the rite person for me and not wantin to be alone i dont see that its just not rite and that i can do better i mean im a good caring person with motivation and a job and goin to school i think i deserve a half decent human bein to be wit...then when im in the relationships they do these disrespectful things and dont take my feelings into consideration...i mean i have depression and anxiety disorder..so i guess that can make me alil difficult sometimes as far as bein alil more emotional and paranoid about things..i try to keep it under control sometimes that doesnt always happen but its not to the point where its me thats bein the jerk and they always make me feel like it is..i talk to everyone else about what happens and they tell me its not me its them but idk how come it just keeps goin like this...anyone have ne advice..im almost 21 its been goin on almost 5 yrs now i need to break this vicious cycle

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i think everyone is in on the same boat as you.. i probably am still in this vicous circle.. but right now i found a girl that i cant actually trust that i didnt even ask her to show me.. i just can feel it.. which is good.. but your just going to have to stay strong and what you believe in . usually you dont find these things.. it just happens.. so try a different approach stop looking for em.. and continue on with you. and let it come to you.. good things happen to good people and patient people.

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I know people that have gone through the depression/anxiety disorder thing. I would fix that first. It can really mess with your mind and make things seem worse than they are. Are you currently seeing an internal medicine doctor about it? Once you start feeling better internally you will be able to make better choices about who you date. You are doing all the right things from what you posted. At your age you should stay focused and motivated on your education and career. If you take care of those things everything else (including your love life) will fall into place eventually. Don't try to rush it.


Feel free to PM me if you want any advice about the depression/anxiety stuff.

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Hey girl i feel the same way. I know its disappointing as hell when you meet someone who you think is awesome and then they turn out being someone totally different then what you first saw. its so annoying. i think im just gonna try not to think about it so much and just go with the flow.

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