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when is it unhealthy?


I haven't seen my boyfriend for about a week, he was away up North with his dad. After about an hour, he told me a story about a girl cutting his hair and she was hitting on him. I went quiet and didn't say anything for about 10 minutes and I just shut down and watched tv and looked through the computer. He went into another room and I apologized, but told him that telling me that story was tacky, since I hadn't seen him for a week. It would have been fine hearing it tomorrow, but I wasn't in the mood listening about his stories of other women after I had been waiting for him all week. He was angry with me for not teling him right away how I felt, instead of waiting, and that I was acting like a jealous girlfriend and it was strange, because he's never seen this behaviour from me.


We don't usually get jealous of each other. If I do get jealous, I try to shake it off and tell myself it's not worth the fight, especially if I see a girl chatting him up. I get hit on, I don't act on it.It depends on how the other person handles it.


Where does everyone else draw the line in terms of jealousy, and do you talk about it, and is it wrong to get jealous and admit it?

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ITs one of two things


Hes either telling you because he felt bad about being hit on and wanted you to know EVERYTHING that had happened.


Or he was trying to make you jealous


I think its a silly thing to fight about to be honest, unless he was hitting on her back. I think its fine to admit when your jealous and talk about it, but dont go off in a huff that solves nothing. Also try and work out in your head whats worth getting jealous about and what isnt.

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Where does everyone else draw the line in terms of jealousy, and do you talk about it, and is it wrong to get jealous and admit it?


This really depends on the couple. I'd like my partner to talk to me if they were jealous about something. It'd be a problem for me though if they were constantly jealous. I like being able to tell my partner about people that I have crushes on, and I'd like for them to be able to do the same.

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ahhhhh... it's all so true. You're all right! i just became worried because I was never like that before, then all of a sudden this disgusting bout of jealousy came over me. I hate that feeling. Then I get that little quote in my head "love is not jealous, love is patient, and kind" blah blah blah..


thanks guys. I appreciate your input!

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