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The best Lap Dance you've ever had..and why?


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I'm a woman and I've been to both female and male strip clubs. The best lap dance I've ever had was from a woman named "Big Guns". lol She was the favorite dancer at this place. I went with a bunch of guys, including the guy I was seeing at the time. It was so much fun. She gave me many many many lap dances...I lost count. I also lost count of the money that we spent. I had $75 in small bills, my bf had $100, his friends all had $100 or so a piece...we spent ALOT of money. lol I wantedt to sit in the horseshoe, right in the middle, so we could see all the girls up close. They warned me that we'd spend more money by sitting there, but I didnt care. Big Guns was awesome. After several lap dances, the guys paid $20 to put me in the "hot seat" with her. I was in the middle of the stage on a chair and she danced for me, mostly on me. I was wearing a mini skirt and a tiny little top that didnt cover much and she had me spread my legs, she put one foot between my legs on the chair, the other foot on the back of the chair, which put her vagina right in my face and she was gyrating. Since I was the only woman in there aside from the dancers, let's just say that every man in the house was standing around the stage. She made so much money that night!!!


At one point she was dancing for me, and I pulled my boobs of out my top and dacned for her and she tipped ME!!! lol I thought that was cool that a stripper tipped me!


Anyhow, all the guys had been going there and always tried to get her phone number but failed. I asked and she gave it to me. They had bet me $20 that I couldnt get it and all I did was ask! Silly men!

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i had a really great one once, mainly because it was a solo 'champagne room' one where i could relax because it was only me and her. it was particularly good because of a few reasons :

1- it was free. i was in usa and she loved my accent and wanted me alone

2- she let me touch if i wanted to (i didnt though)

3- she was absolutely gorgeous and had a fantastic figure

4- she saw and felt how hard i was, and unzipped my flies as an extra little tease


she later offered to take me home if i came back at closing, but i wasn't interested: chances are i could have caught something and i've never 'wanted' a stripper. plus i was sorta worried that she'd ask for me to pay or that she's taken countless men home before me.

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A buddy from Highschool took to me to a place about 45 minutes from town. He did it because my long time gf and I just went kablooey and he wanted to ease the pain. He talked to a nice blonde who was about 3 years younger than me (I was 26 at the time) and he paid her and gave her the instructions of "Make him forget his ex!"


She took me by the hand and led me to a more private area of the club, while we made some decent small talk. Turns out she was from Poland and she learned english in the two years she had been there so far. Actually, she had a very nice personality and a funny sense of humour. She did a decent lapdance, not too lewd as I'm really not too much into that and when the two songs where over, she put her clothes back on and I gave her a $20.


I didn't want another dance, I just wanted to tip her, more for talking to me than anything else. We sat down again, and just listened to the song together, talking a little bit more. It made me feel a little less than a skeevy pig when as she walked into the bowels of the Club, she did take one last look at me before she dissappeared.


It sounds stupid, and I know that it's most likely just me, but I really needed that validation that night.

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Who gave it to you?


What was she wearing..if anything?


What did she do exactly to make it so memorable?


How long did it last?


Did you ever go back?


1.Jenna from Racers

2. G string

3. The backroom had a shower and a couch..i soaped her up and eventually it went to the couch--full contact

4. about 15 minutes

5. next summer

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Who gave it to you?


What was she wearing..if anything?


What did she do exactly to make it so memorable?


How long did it last?


Did you ever go back?


Oh I forgot to answer these in my last post. I got all hot thinking about the stripper that gave me the best lapdance! lol


I already answered who she was.

The club is totally nude. she started out in something, but I forget what and ended up naked.

She gave me several through the night. Some lasted 2 to 3 minutes, some went longer like 10 to 15.

Yes, I went back! lol

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Warning, slightly graphic:


My favorite set of lap dances occurred outside of the US.


I believe I spent about $100 CDN. $20 per set of three songs. So 15 songs total. Never went back, as I live in the states. But if I knew she was still there, I'd make sure to stop in next time I'm there.


The chick really wasn't your typical bombshell stripper type. In fact, she wasn't exceptional looking at all. She was a punk rocker/goth type girl who just so happened to be my type. The first set of songs went fairly normal. I could tell she was a feisty one by some of the places she put her hands/fingers. I believe I referred to it as the magical disappearing pinky trick lol.


We started talking alot about what kind of things we were into. Lets just say it spiraled into me getting whipped multiple times with my belt, my back covered in scratches, a few slap-marks accross my face, and a few sore nipples. Additionally, she had no problems shoving her breasts in my face and demanding I started sucking. The club was fairly relaxed on the rules, as she also teased me by 'nibbling' on my member through my jeans. That drove me nuts.


The funniest part about the whole experience is that I was with a group of fairly conservative friends for a bachelor party. I'm fairly positive that night changed their view of me quite a bit haha.

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Yeah afterwards I might think to myself "sheesh, I could have spent that money more wisely..could have paid a bill" lol


Most of my visits to strip clubs end like that, not that I go all that often, but not the one that I described above. I also forgot to mention that it was my first time at a strip club.


you can't put a price tag on memories



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Hmmmm I should experience it at least once! thats ussually my motto, I'll try anything once, and if I like, I do it again, but if I do not like it, well at least I tried it! but I'm sure I'd enjoy a lap dance. My only close experience is putting a 5 dollar bill in my mouth, and a striper removing it with her huge breasts...now that was a good night! lol Never been to a club wherte they offered lap dance though, maybe on my next stop in Kelowna I'll give it a go, if i got the funds

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NO not at all..lol..i just ovver heard guys talking about it and how much they LOVED it i thought it was interesting the way they talked but an audience is not for me--unless it was for ONE special man, myyyy man and we were in a loving relationship..but otherwise NEVER!

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Only had one a long time ago when my boss insisted on taking us out to a strip club one Friday after work, his treat. I was obliged to go, so I went. Got one lap dance that he insisted on and picked out the girl for me. Meh. I don't see whats so exciting about having a stranger flaunt their body in front of you while guaranteeing you won't get any sex out of it. Very underwhelming. It's like staring though the window at a candy shop all day but never going inside (no pun intended). Pointless, imo.

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My best one was from this super hot asian girl. She had big boobs, a perfect butt and gorgeous face, I can't remember if the dance was that great, but the thing that made it the best was that she kissed me on the lips 3 times! First one I thought was an accident, because they like to tease you and get their lips close to yours but never touch them. So I was like HA! You messed up silly girl, but then she did it again but it was a real kiss, and a third time. I only had time for one dance with her though. I remember she said that she was only at that club for a day, that she was like traveling through to another club to work at or something. I guess maybe she didn't know the rules of the one I went to.

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Who gave it to you?


I've had both paid lapdances (by a stripper) and free one's (from an ex-gf). While I did really appreciate the effort that my ex made to surprise me with one, it was more "cute" then it was "You are making me so hot I want to do you right now", so I suppose the better one was with a stripper.


What was she wearing..if anything?


The infamous sexy schoolgirl uniform. The shortest schoolgirl skirt I've seen in my life.


What did she do exactly to make it so memorable?


Had a sexy attitude. Bent over alot to let me slap her butt. Bounced on my lap alot. Lots of teasing. She had a great body.


How long did it last?


10 minutes.


Did you ever go back?


No. Honestly I believe going to strip clubs for lapdances is a waste of money. Although for one reason or another every 6-8 months I end up at a strip club with a friend or friends for a night and once in a while I'll get one or two dances. Paying $20 once or twice every year for a dance isn't going to make me poor but I don't like it enough to go regularely.


I'd love it if the girl I'm seeing now ever gave me a lapdance but I'm not sure if she'd have the confidence to do it or enjoy doing it.

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