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Rim Jobs


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i dont get the difference from frontal to rear...if your clean your clean...if a person doesnt wash his/her butt area, they probably dont wash their penis/vag area good either


Well, there is a possibility of getting E. coli, but the risk always seems worth it when I'm horny. =/

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don't knock til you try it.


I've never murdered but I'll knock it. In fact that phrase is a huge pet peeve of mine, we all have likes and dislikes about many things that we've never tried nor wish to try. Sometimes we get curious and decide to try, other times we don't.


Personally, I think it's gross but if people like doing it that's there thing. I'm also not into guys but I'm not about to try it just so I can knock it. We each have our likes and dislikes that don't need to be tested if we don't want to.


"Don't knock it til you try it." may work in 2nd grade and in erotica but we've all outgrown peer-pressure like that (I hope).


So to sum it all up, if you like it, great, but I don't need to try it to say that I don't want to give or receive it.

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I've never murdered but I'll knock it. In fact that phrase is a huge pet peeve of mine, we all have likes and dislikes about many things that we've never tried nor wish to try. Sometimes we get curious and decide to try, other times we don't.


Personally, I think it's gross but if people like doing it that's there thing. I'm also not into guys but I'm not about to try it just so I can knock it. We each have our likes and dislikes that don't need to be tested if we don't want to.


"Don't knock it til you try it." may work in 2nd grade and in erotica but we've all outgrown peer-pressure like that (I hope).


So to sum it all up, if you like it, great, but I don't need to try it to say that I don't want to give or receive it.

well I always try everything once with in reason...get your point though! I wouldn't try everything once, but most things I will! Murder, and suicide are definitely ruled out lol

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well I always try everything once with in reason...get your point though! I wouldn't try everything once, but most things I will! Murder, and suicide are definitely ruled out lol


It's just a petpeeve of mine that shows the bias on these boards against those on the conservative side of things. We promote tolerance for the more liberal things but seemingly must "fix" those on the conservative side, the trend of this thread shows it.


People find it disgusting but won't oppose to others doing it.


People that do it are telling the otherside not to speak ill of it unless they try it.


It's annoying and hypocritical.

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the only reason why I say don;t knock it til ya try it is because. I use to think it was gross and nasty too, but one day i decided to just give it a chance, and I ened up loving it! but your right people have the right to have there own view point on it. If you think its nasty then thats your oppinion. and mine is that its fantastic!

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the only reason why I say don;t knock it til ya try it is because. I use to think it was gross and nasty too, but one day i decided to just give it a chance, and I ened up loving it! but your right people have the right to have there own view point on it. If you think its nasty then thats your oppinion. and mine is that its fantastic!


Glad you enjoy it, it's just not my thing.

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i just don't get why its THAT gross to people if you are wiling to put your mouth on a man's penis and s*ck it or let a man lick you down there>>>>>how is this worse? You pee down there, you have your period down there..babies come outta there too


Possibly because excrement comes out of your anus, which is waste product and is hugely unhygenic =/ As well as smelling really unpleasant.


Pee on the otherhand you can consume without getting unwell, ditto menstrual bood...

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C'mon rimjobs arent that bad really.


Who here has had unprotected anal? (And no, I havent) Rim jobs are pretty similar really, your both sticking a sensitive area of your body into your partners butt. I dont see the difference really. I bet all the people against rimjobs would engage in it in the heat of the moment when they are really horny.

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I've never murdered but I'll knock it. In fact that phrase is a huge pet peeve of mine, we all have likes and dislikes about many things that we've never tried nor wish to try.


Your point is well taken....but comparing a rimjob with murder?


Ok, I'm recanting....all you who are against it...DON'T DO IT!!!

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C'mon rimjobs arent that bad really.


Who here has had unprotected anal? (And no, I havent) Rim jobs are pretty similar really, your both sticking a sensitive area of your body into your partners butt. I dont see the difference really. I bet all the people against rimjobs would engage in it in the heat of the moment when they are really horny.


I'll take that bet.


The difference may be that ecoli and a plethora of other germs aren't terrible on the skin of the penis so long as you clean quickly after, your tongue allows the bacteria unimpeded access into your system, that and a penis has no taste buds.


Now if you can give yourself a proper enema then that obviates some of the risk but it's not my thing.


I'm also not homosexual, are you to tell me that I would engage in it anyway or that I should to "try it out"?

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Okay Kan, you know that comparing this to homosexuality or murder just doesn't fit the situation. The quote "Don't knock it 'til you try it" works for some situations, not all, obviously.


You wouldn't have sex with a guy because you're straight, assuming you are a guy. Or maybe you're a lesbian, but the point is, it's against your NATURE to do it.


You wouldn't murder someone because it's just so horribly wrong.


You can to use the quote for things that are somewhat whimsical, like tonguing someones butthole (lol), but it just doesn't work when you use it for things way more seriously. No one expects you to be okay with having sex with the gender you are never going to be attracted to, while this topic is more for the adventuresome people, since anyone can do this so as long as they get past their initial discomfort/disgust with it. I can't explain it very well, but there is a difference. I just think if a person comes accross a thread like this that they don't really like when its a harmless topic, they shouldn't really be wasting their time insulting the ones that like it.

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