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Need dating advice on older men!


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Hi all,


Well I have been dating this guy for 4 dates including the one we met on. We have gotten along fab and I really like him. He sends me texts about every morning saying "Good morning darlin" or luv, and he calls about 2-3 times a week after work or later in the evening. Well the last 2 weekends he was busy on Saturday nights. It was the only night I had available but he said he could not make that day. I am confused as to what to think. Is he dating me to see if he likes someone else better? SHould I bail? Is this a typical dating tactic if you like a woman? I'm confused. any advice would be appreciated. He is 49 I am 40. We have kissed like crazy but no sex. I won't do that outside of an exclusive relationship. thanks for any insight.

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He may be dating other women and you should also be comfortable to date other men. I wouldnt bail. You are not exclusive...yet..wait and see. it is natural to test the waters a bit..I would think after 4 dates he would have a fairly good idea if you are likely to be more than a casual date to him, however he may have had genuine plans or pre-organised dates.. dont fret about it..unless this happens regularly!.His history with women should speak volumes about his current actions also. has he recently been hurt? Is he ready to settle? Gone through a bitter divorce?? etc You should know these things by now after 4 dates and if you dont suggest another date and find out...good luck..

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wow thank you guys for the great answers! You are all great!




ps. this afternoon he called and again tonight, finally getting around to suggesting we watch a video we both had talked about, he sounded a bit nervous. So I said I was wide open for the next weekend (since it is Sunday today and he was smart enough to ask early). He suggested Saturday, and then later I asked him what he was doing Sunday and he said only Yoga. So, I said, if he dare, we could see each other 2 days in a row. I said I wasn't sure though, we were flirting alot. Anyway, he was really happy about it. And I suggested a surprise, (because he has made our dates surprises and planned really extensive detailed evenings) since I think he likes surprises. He has said he never been to a Drive-in movie and there is a new one opening on Sundays I read about showing old movies. I figure to pack a gourmet basket, and we jump in the back seat at the drive-in. What do you gentlemen think? Anyway, I am relieved at this progress anyway. I am dating other men but they suck and I am not going out anymore with them. I thought one was good but he isnt, as he started to get really graphic in emails and we aren't even together as boyfriend and girlfriend. The other is just immature, he is nice, 31, but acts very very young like 18. Have a great week all!! ~Remmie

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