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So I'm a recluse?


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Recently a friend of mine said her first impression of me was that I was reclusive and misanthropic. At first this bothered me slightly, but after thinking about it, I am those things. While I enjoy socializing with others, and I get lonely as heck at times, I certainly don't NEED anyone to keep myself busy and happy.


My life right now has been particularly tough with the broken ankle cause it is seriously limiting my hobbies/work, but for the most part I'm content. So is it a bad thing to be reclusive?



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As long as it's for the right reasons, you're okay


When I'm reclusive, it's because I want to shut myself away, scared people will hurt me if I have an open heart, and scared of rejection, so I reject the world before it can reject me.


It's just the same as a super-sociable person who can't face being on their own because they don't like the person they are, etc.

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Thanks for the comments guys. I just sort of live my life, if you're with me great, if not I don't stress about it. Like going to a movie or out to dinner or for a hike... I might call a friend or two to see if they can go, but if not I still end up going. I don't wait around for other people.


I guess at times I feel judged for being reclusive, when I don't feel that spending time by myself is a bad thing. Like if I don't have a huge circle of friends and are always going out every Friday night then there is something "wrong" with me.



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