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Breaking up with a troubled girl part 2


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for part one see my profile, its not a very long list of threads there


Okay...so i broke up with her as gently as possible...and...this is how it went...and she hasnt spoken in the half hour since...(im imogen heap, shes demonwolfwoman)


Imogen heap said:

there you are



demonwolfwoman said:



Imogen heap said:



demonwolfwoman said:



Imogen heap said:

Listen, im really sorry but....you have been really really stressed lately...and i think you should take some time on your own to sort things out for yourself...i do care about you...but...i think you need time to get your own spirits up. It not healthy to be in a relationship when your stressed to hell like you are...


demonwolfwoman said:

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. .


Imogen heap said:



demonwolfwoman said:

. . . . . . fine. . . . . . . . .-turns away and runs off-


Imogen heap said:

im sorry...



im panicing a little...in my first thread i mentioned that shes a bit...well...the kind of person who would hurt herself...

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okay.. i really feel for this girl.. imo.. if you are going to break up with her... at least stay friends with her... cause she's extremely vulnerable... you understand her situation, and she has confided in you to tell you about it... then your going to break up with her... i understand your reasoning... you guys are young right now and whatnot.. but normally i don't really condone the whole stay friends after break up thing... but.. maybe you can tell her that maybe it would be better if the two of you were friends.. maybe she doesn't so much need a boyfriend right now in her unstable condition... if you guys get get a good friendship going then maybe it can be beneficial for both of you......

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