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Penis stench.


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This is why I'm amazed that anyone can have oral sex with someone after a long night out drinking and dancing. The sweat, the pee residue and the smoke smell must be collectively horrifying, male or female.


I have come accross a couple of stinky penises...and I don't want to talk about it because it will make me throw up. There's a good reason why I enjoy shower playtime.

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This is why I'm amazed that anyone can have oral sex with someone after a long night out drinking and dancing. The sweat, the pee residue and the smoke smell must be collectively horrifying, male or female.


You've got to sell it. (I've never had sex!)

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This is why I'm amazed that anyone can have oral sex with someone after a long night out drinking and dancing. The sweat, the pee residue and the smoke smell must be collectively horrifying, male or female.


I have come accross a couple of stinky penises...and I don't want to talk about it because it will make me throw up. There's a good reason why I enjoy shower playtime.


meh, I can do that if he is my boy friend. What amazes me is how people do it for random guys they don't even know, just ewww!

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so I was all... "Dude.. smell my hands. That thing is not going in my mouth".


Not to judge or anything, but standing alone, this is something I can't even picture saying to the person I'd be getting intimate with. If I'm calling my sex partner "dude", I'd pretty much be bracing myself for any nasty thing that could happen unexpectedly.


But that aside, which forgive me is totally irrelevant, I HAVE had the experience you're describing, and with an uncircumcised man. It led me to wonder if other uncircumcised men had this issue. This guy took showers, but it seemed to me he was never smelling fresh and clean or looking fresh and clean, outside of the groin area, as well. I tactfully mentioned this, and he claimed to be cleaning it properly, but I wasn't there to supervise the routine, so how would I know? I don't think any man takes kindly to your suggesting that he's not clean and fit in every way. I've found most men are pretty defensive about such matters, even if they aren't hostile. No one's going to say, "Yeah, I don't even bother, it's a pain cleaning that skin."


That whole experience left me a bit skeptical about what I'd be dealing with in an LTR with someone who was not circumcised. But since then, I've heard SO much about it not smelling if it's clean, that I'm convinced it's due to that and this particular guy. I'm glad to hear from the other guys on this thread about that "diagnosis." Because I certainly wouldn't turn down a prospective mate for being uncircumcised.

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LOL! I'm 18 and a tomboy... so the word dude is pretty much daily vocabulary. I was trying to make it lighthearted. I was actually laughing a lot. This guy was confident enough that I could tell him things like that & he wouldnt be offended.


Like you, it kinda turned me off uncircumcised guys for a while, because oral is important to me & I didn't want to deal with that smell. But he was the only uncircumcised guy I'd been with & I didn't want to judge & I thought it was a one-off. I don't really like the idea of circumcision (it's actually illegal in hopsitals in Australia), & I wouldn't want to do it to my son. But that smell.. Omg.

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i'm surprised...haven't heard any comments on ''head cheese'' yet. that's what it is. no wonder it smells. give it a week to age and it'll be just ripe.

mmm mmm.


What in the dark abyss of Hades is headcheese?!?!?!

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Like you, it kinda turned me off uncircumcised guys for a while, because oral is important to me & I didn't want to deal with that smell. But he was the only uncircumcised guy I'd been with & I didn't want to judge & I thought it was a one-off. I don't really like the idea of circumcision (it's actually illegal in hopsitals in Australia), & I wouldn't want to do it to my son. But that smell.. Omg.


I feel exactly the same way.


And about "dude", I get you. I call people "dude" a lot, too, but I guess I'd just have advanced beyond that by the time we were swinging into "action". Being the romantic type.


What in the dark abyss of Hades is headcheese?!?!?!


The medical term would be "smegma." And as you know, we ladies get that, too. It's totally normal. Dead skin cells with oils produced by oil glands. It's a whitish residue...not unlike...feta...ergo, the association. Okay, I'm 100% grossed out now.

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I feel exactly the same way.


And about "dude", I get you. I call people "dude" a lot, too, but I guess I'd just have advanced beyond that by the time we were swinging into "action". Being the romantic type.




The medical term would be "smegma." And as you know, we ladies get that, too. It's totally normal. Dead skin cells with oils produced by oil glands. It's a whitish residue...not unlike...feta...ergo, the association. Okay, I'm 100% grossed out now.


yah...didn't wanna get overly technical...but that's what it is. it actually acts like a natural lubricant...so a little bit is perfectly natural...even with impecable hygeine. it's the build-up (the cheesiness) that causes the 'stench'. excessive cleaning (with soap in particular) can cause some pretty uncomfortable irritation. only takes a moderate amount of gentle rinsing to keep it clean. doctors actually recommend that you don't use soap at all.


i'm actually eating a salad with feta on it right now...and it's moderately disturbing. it's 'lite' feta though.

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yah...didn't wanna get overly technical...but that's what it is. it actually acts like a natural lubricant...so a little bit is perfectly natural...even with impecable hygeine. it's the build-up (the cheesiness) that causes the 'stench'. excessive cleaning (with soap in particular) can cause some pretty uncomfortable irritation. only takes a moderate amount of gentle rinsing to keep it clean. doctors actually recommend that you don't use soap at all.


Well, the guy I was with said he retracted his foreskin to rinse...but that scent was still there. I don't believe he was lying.


If it were my penis, I think I'd use mild soap. MILD being the operative word...since it seems bacteria could be easily trapped there.


i'm actually eating a salad with feta on it right now...and it's moderately disturbing. it's 'lite' feta though.


HA! Well, I always knew I was telepathic. Goodness me, sorry about that, 90! Then again, I watch the medical operations channel while eating, so I'm not really that squeamish.

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The medical term would be "smegma." And as you know, we ladies get that, too. It's totally normal. Dead skin cells with oils produced by oil glands. It's a whitish residue...not unlike...feta...ergo, the association. Okay, I'm 100% grossed out now.


This is the sort of knowledge that you share with your grandchildren.

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My general rule of thumb is, if I rub my glans with my hand and some smegma sticks to it, then I probably had too much. But, unless I was being completely disgusting and didn't take a shower for 3 days, then it wouldn't smell really, really bad. Maybe I'm just lucky, or then again, just normal.


Edit: uhmm, I probably shouldn't have my face next to this post.

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Well, the guy I was with said he retracted his foreskin to rinse...but that scent was still there. I don't believe he was lying.


If it were my penis, I think I'd use mild soap. MILD being the operative word...since it seems bacteria could be easily trapped there.




HA! Well, I always knew I was telepathic. Goodness me, sorry about that, 90! Then again, I watch the medical operations channel while eating, so I'm not really that squeamish.


well...feta is damn good as far as i'm concerned...so i don't know what all the complaining is about. chow down ladies! get it while it's fresh!


okay...that's disgusting. i'm not squeamish either...and i have a hard time imagining the taste of 'headcheese'...because i've never imagined performing oral sex on a man. so, i dont' draw an association.


it's all about the outlook!!

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well...feta is damn good as far as i'm concerned...so i don't know what all the complaining is about. chow down ladies! get it while it's fresh!


okay...that's disgusting. i'm not squeamish either...and i have a hard time imagining the taste of 'headcheese'...because i've never imagined performing oral sex on a man. so, i dont' draw an association.


it's all about the outlook!!


Let me tell you that it's absolutely disgusting and I hope you never have the experience.


As for smegma.. I do believe a little of my heterosexuality died in this thread.

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Let me tell you that it's absolutely disgusting and I hope you never have the experience.


As for smegma.. I do believe a little of my heterosexuality died in this thread.


i'm not a fortune teller...but i feel confident in assuring you that i will in fact never experience it. *knock on wood* (ehh)

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Ive been with girls before... and it was mild compared. :S


I've been with girls too (or have I?!), and could say the same... But with, uh, genders reversed. Is that what I mean?



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I cant believe I made it all the way to the end without puking a little. This has to be one of the grossest threads on ENA I've ever read....to the end! LOL


I've never seen any 'smegma' on my woman parts...so I have no clue what you're talking about TOV...but thats disturbing hahaha..


I've also never been with an uncircumsized guy, or a skinky penis.....but I have encountered smell. Dont know if it were from his butt or nads...but yak!


I just ate, and feel mildly sick to my stomach now.

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I cant believe I made it all the way to the end without puking a little. This has to be one of the grossest threads on ENA I've ever read....to the end! LOL


I've never seen any 'smegma' on my woman parts...so I have no clue what you're talking about TOV...but thats disturbing hahaha..


I've also never been with an uncircumsized guy, or a skinky penis.....but I have encountered smell. Dont know if it were from his butt or nads...but yak!


I just ate, and feel mildly sick to my stomach now.


This from the tequila lover!


Though most tequila aficionados do wind up as somebody's lover...

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