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I went to lunch with my friend today. He was being really weird. he kept looking at me with kind of a concerned and sad look. I dont know what his problem was. I did have a huge fight with my parents the night before, but I never told anyone, theres no way he would've known. I guess maybe my eyes looked kind of puffy, but i thought it was really weird. if you realize your friend is sad, wouldnt you ask or something. Then more people came, and he just ignored me after that. I didnt try to talk to him either, but he's being so weird. It's hurting me too becasue he's being so cold. What do you think is going on here?

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If he kept looking at you with a concerned and sad look, and you didn't say anything about what was bothering you - it was probably because he realised something was wrong but didn't want to pry. You presumably had your own reasons for not telling him. Are you sure he's being cold, and not just trying to be tactful?

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