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Your Views On Love


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Maybe I am just weird and cooky, but here is what I believe in when it comes to love:


I personally believe that your first love should be your only love. In the relationship, you each should not have any prior relationships and not have high expections - this way you will enjoy each other more as you guys will be over whelmed by the pleasentness. In addition, I think it is important to meet while you guys are young - that way you will be able to share each other's childhood or teenager years. Lastly, each of you should deeply love and respect one another. Although each of you may not be perfect for one another, as time passes on you will grow more in sync and compliment each other.


I dunno... just my thoughts on love. I'd love to hear your thoughts on love.

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Well, I see where you're coming from with that theory. The problem is, not everyone can really fulfill those expectations when it comes to love. What about people who are in their 30s, 40s, or 50s and still searching for love? What if you fall in love and that person betrays you? Then obviously they won't be your only love, if that betrayal causes you to split from them and find someone else.

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I'm 23 years of age. I had this idea since high school or first year.


I agree that there are lots of relationships where a partner betrays another, or someone reaches an older age where they have never experienced true love. I'm pretty sure that my view is not applicable to most people as I think most people like to date different partners so they know which one is right for themselves.


I was just curious to see if anyone has any views on a relationship.

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On paper, being with your first and only love sounds great. But since we live in the real world it unrealistic.

Someone you spend your life with should be someone who compliments you, and you should compliment them. You should have similar goals and family values. And most importantly you should love and cherish that person.

The problem with first loves is that (on most occassions) you don't know who you are yet, so how do you know who is best for you. Your goals and moral and standards change TREMENDOUSLY from age 16 to 25. Often people find that because what they want changes that their first love no longer is the right person for them, so they move on and search for who is right for them.

Believing that first loves are your only love is simply just naiive to the world around you.

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I like this idea, its romantic. But if someone betrays you, then its not your fault. You can love again. Love isn't this colossal destined" one person for you and thats it" type of thing. Its something that human beings can have for someone they feel worthy of giving it to, and thats what it really boils down to. Its better to meet when you are young, however, not everyone finds the right person. I grew up in a town where I felt very out of place, I would have never really fit in with the males at my school. It wasn't till college that I met men who I found interesting enough to date. I've never been in love, and I think you should wait before pouring y our emotions and body out on someone, until you meet someone y ou really like, but I also don't think that the first will be the last, necessarily.

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I think love in any form at any time and with anyone is not something to be ashamed or judgmental about if it's real. Ideally, we would all love for our first relationship to be our last but life doesn't work that way. People change. Situations change. Denying yourself love because your first attempt didn't work out just seems ridiculous to me and a path of lifelong sadness. If you find someone else that makes you happy, go with it. Keep on lovin' folks...

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Denying yourself love because your first attempt didn't work out just seems ridiculous to me and a path of lifelong sadness.

Yeah, but whats the difference if love keeps biting you in the behind? Its sadness eitherway so I don't see how we can be so unempathetic. Remember that everyones perceptions are formed from their experiences in life.

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It's rather unrealistic to believe that your first love (through childhood and teenage years even) should be your only love.


I believe you can love more than once throughout the course of a lifetime. What if a tragic accident occurs and your loved one is no longer with you? Or s/he cheats on you? and so forth. Life is wholly unexpected, that is what makes it so beautiful, and to share your life with someone you love regardless of a first or last relationship is important too.

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I understand what you all are saying, and it makes a lot of sense as people change as they age so they will have other needs. To me, the way I see love, is that love is also about sharing the past with that special someone. I feel that the past you have shared with your partner will strengthen the relationship. Personally, I believe as both partners grow up I know that they will change but they should change to fit one another. Dunno... maybe I just like romantic ideas instead of reality.

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Maybe I am just weird and cooky, but here is what I believe in when it comes to love:


I personally believe that your first love should be your only love. In the relationship, you each should not have any prior relationships and not have high expections - this way you will enjoy each other more as you guys will be over whelmed by the pleasentness. In addition, I think it is important to meet while you guys are young - that way you will be able to share each other's childhood or teenager years. Lastly, each of you should deeply love and respect one another. Although each of you may not be perfect for one another, as time passes on you will grow more in sync and compliment each other.


I dunno... just my thoughts on love. I'd love to hear your thoughts on love.


In a perfect world...

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