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Calling all Managers


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I need a load of advice here. I recently just got employed to Movie Gallery as a "Night Shift Team Leader" and as of right now I don't know what to do really. Can an experienced manager give me some good advice on how to be a good team leader, to coworkers and my boss?


My previous job was a family business and I managed only one person (They are aware of this) but as far as that goes this a whole new playing field. New point of sales, new marketing group, new location, new responsibilities. I'm hoping maybe I'm making more out of this than it really is.

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Lead by example. When you want something done that your subordinant needs to learn, do it for him to show that you can do it and so can they. Always be very positive in how you talk to them and politly ask them in a stearn voice to do what is required to finish the job as a team.

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Lead by example. When you want something done that your subordinant needs to learn, do it for him to show that you can do it and so can they. Always be very positive in how you talk to them and politly ask them in a stearn voice to do what is required to finish the job as a team.


Thank you for the quick response and good advice.

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Lead by example. When you want something done that your subordinant needs to learn, do it for him to show that you can do it and so can they. Always be very positive in how you talk to them and politly ask them in a stearn voice to do what is required to finish the job as a team.


^^^ Very good advice given by FortunateOne.


I used to be a shift leader at a retail clothes store. Something I found during learning how to work as a team, is to find the line between coming off sounding bossy or letting the employees walk all over you because you don't enforce enough command.


They have to listen to you but making a team effort out of the task and also being a respectful leader is good to.



Also I used to work at Blockbuster as a customer sales rep. I was the top seller there but something I found that my manager there did that I can pass on to you to help with the sales... My manager would always find some way of keeping us employees motivated and wanting to sell. It wasn't by giving out prizes or anything like that... She just kept it fun. She would have a top seller chart to.

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Make it a priority to have personal 1 on 1 at least ever month at least...best every 2 weeks..but it depends on your workload.


No matter if it feels awkward at first, teammembers will come to expect it and it will give you a chance to build a relationship with them. These sessions will naturally bring about topics to help them in their coaching.


Next to that..at least once a week a 15 min hart rhytm session. Where you give your teammember the opportunity to bring in one subject they wish to get resolved ( whether its with them of for you to find out)..and gives you a quick pow wow to address the group as a whole and inform them about what's going on in management land ( how are you getting on, what's new, what's coming, results, etc)


Be dependable..say what you mean and mean what you say. Also when you promise to do something you do it, if you can't make it or haven't finished something...say it and don't be affraid to apologise. Just don't let important stuff ly..because they will do the same otherwise.


And absolutely important when you just start a new job..you introduce yourself to your team and you take/make the time to get to know them in a first initial 1 on 1 chat..also use this chat to ask them what they feel could be better. This way you can find out if there is something you can try to solve. Because once you are passed the honeymoon-week..It gets harder. So plan it and be consistent..



Ask them what they expect from you and say what they can expect from you. But when you do this the first time to the group..keep it on a visionary level (like: work together as a team to achieve our goals, respectful toward each other.etc..and tell them something personal too..if you feel like doing that..like a favourite hobby, familylife etc)


When you are in a 1 on 1, you can bring it down a level and tell them what you are all about as a manager and person.


Now, let it roll from there...


And it usually seems scarier when you just start than it actually is..

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