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Right or Left Hand for Basic Tasks - the Battle Continues

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ever notice that you do certain things with one of the other hand? for instance, i'm right handed yet if i do some tasks with my right hand it feels off. they are left-handed tasks. some of them are hard to do too and you would think that me being right-handed that is the hand i would use.


you ever notice this? is it a struggle that your brain had long ago in teaching a particular task to your hand? maybe the one side of your brain being artistic and the other being the logical side? so is one hand artistic? lol


i just find it fascinating that some tasks seem so awkward if you try and do them with your other hand.




pretty basic thread.

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One of my friends does everything with his right hand except eat. I think that's really weird.


I find it a lot more comfortable to drive with my left hand even though I am right handed. I also have to slice meat with my left hand but only eat with my right. I don't switch hands when dealing with silverware. Knife in left, fork in right. Always.


I'd get bored in band and switch to playing trumpet with my left hand. It felt really cool, actually.

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I'm not sure if this is weird, but even though i'm right handed, i only feel comfortable holding the phone to my left ear/holding it with my left hand. I'm not sure why, but it feels really strange if i try to use my right hand :S.

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I'm left handed, but I play my guitars right handed.


But I play drums left-handed. It's all very messed up.


Hey, me too.


I hold a bat/hockey stick right handed as well. Other than that, my right hand is almost exclusively used for the cruder tasks. I've broken my left wrist before, and it was a pathetic sight to behold. lol.

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I'm not sure if this is weird, but even though i'm right handed, i only feel comfortable holding the phone to my left ear/holding it with my left hand. I'm not sure why, but it feels really strange if i try to use my right hand :S.


me too!


and.......I can only wear my purse on the left shoulder/arm. It feels totally out of place if I wear it on the right.

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I'm not sure if this is weird, but even though i'm right handed, i only feel comfortable holding the phone to my left ear/holding it with my left hand. I'm not sure why, but it feels really strange if i try to use my right hand :S.


I was trying to think of left handed tasks since my first reaction to this thread was that, as a right-handed person, almost ALL tasks feel better right handed haha.... but this ^^^ is pretty much the one thing that popped into my head. The phone.


When I have to hold a phone in my right hand or to my right ear I feel completely wonky. Its almost as if the person on the other end might as well be speaking a foreign language to me.... so uncomfortable.


On the soccer field though.... I'm also right footed mainly, though I'm nearly as strong with my left... I guess my feet are a bit more even, but I wonder if that is natural or training?

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I'm strictly a left handed person, eat, write and drink with my left. I'm also strictly left footed when playing soccer (more power/control) and in basketball I even drive to the left.


However, with all that said while I can't write worth crap on paper with my right hand I for some reason use my right hand for the mouse on the computer and get precision headshots while gaming... *shurgs*

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