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...I can't get my girl pregnant. This post is a little gross so please forgive me.


A few years ago, when I was still a virgin, I had Epididymitis and it hurt so bad I had to be carried to the car and lifted out so I could be put in a wheelchair to get in the ER. It felt like taking a groin hit from a freight train. They put me on medication and within a week all was fine. Ever since my sperm just doesn't look like it used to, looks at times like 2 totally different fluids just thrown together.


We've been trying for a baby but no luck. Is there a way to correct whatever is going on? I'm probably going ot go to a doctor but I'm real shy when it comes to stuff like this.

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just keep in mind that trying to get pregnant can take a while...it took us almost a year to conceive. Some people are lucky and get pregnant right off the bat, but like me and my partner it takes a while. Somethings to do while trying to get pregnant are: for her...no advil...take tylenol instead, no smoking or drinking, no caffeine (or at least cut back to 1 or 2 caffinated drinks a day) and most importantly she should start a good prenatal vitamin immediately so that her body has the right amounts of folic acid, also she should schedule a pre-pregnancy appointment with her doctor and get a physical...if there is anything that she should do prior to pregnancy this physical will point that out.


Now for you...no masterbation. Only have sex every other day. You need to let your sperm supply build up. Most people think that having sex everyday is what you need to do, but that is wrong. Let your swimmers build up that way you "hit her with all you got"..lol. It wouldnt hurt for you to start taking a good multivitamin too. And cutting back or stopping smoking and drinking for you too will help to maximize the sperm count.


Also, you both should be tracking her cycle so that you know when her ovulation days are. These are the days to have sex. And on these days...you on top of her for sex, and then she needs to elevate her butt and legs with pillows to keep the sperm inside of her and heading the right way for at least half an hour afterwards. Good luck!!

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