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rich_1517 - hmm a change in rich

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as i was pondering the doom and gloom something happened.


i changed. i no longer wish to change. lol


i was wondering if i have the resolve now to see this through. but with a different approach.


NOT CARE. sure bring up that if you are interested in me you will have to show it.


but maybe a little more making plans for life without her, in her precense. tell her about plans, activities, friends, and a trip to my favorite island.


i hate to be a jerk, but am ibeing? i can tell that i think we are repeating the pattern, i can tell her that she is losing a friend. but do i need to?


if actions are louder then words which would have a stronger impact, being elsewhere and less intereseted, or telling her i will be?


is confronting her apathetic (its her style) behaviour better for me, or just begin life anew, and let her squirm, not squirm but watch control disappear?


it will go in the face of what i have beeen doing, but if she still cares she may ask. whats up?



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well now im still thinking.


truth is im winging it. perhaps like facing death im still bargaining. but also perhaps trying something "normal"


i could tell her her options for the evening, a romantic dinner for two or a conversation.


i mean what could be the worst she could say? im not comfortable with a romantic dinner?


sure thats pressure. so?

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well i may mistaken but i think as i get more away from this and relaxing the chemistry seems to be becoming more normal.


it still means something needs to be said, the question is how much. i will set the stage for a quiet evening at my house, and see where it leads. i will not be able to hold off talking except in the face of one thing.


if she says something first, or gives sign. we'll see.

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