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Could my friend like me?? He looked through my phone.


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Background: I have been really good friends with a guy for almost three years...started out just talking on phone.. we have had sex a few times. He's told me he didn't want a relationship...so I started dating other people. We were still together a couple more times, but then we just stopped. I really enjoy him and we do stuff together every week. House projects and just talking. He's my best friend. I love his kids and he's amazing with mine. I do all his family stuff with him. And I have never seen him with other girls.

But recently, he's been different. Talks to me about if he dated, he would want a girl like me...says I was so smart, great heart, and sexy. And he has been really sweet...picked me flowers...then he has rubbed my back and just touched me a lot more than normal. Plus he just makes up reasons for us to hangout on Friday and Saturday.

But this is my question,,,,,other day when I got to his house he asked me to go get something in town...I backed out of driveway and noticed I had left my phone in his kitchen,,,only took it in because he had made a comment that I was shady because I never bring my phone in a month earlier and ever since I have been bringing it it...my phone wasn't in the kitchen....he came out from his bedroom and said...thought you had left...I said, I can't find my phone....and he said, you can go without a phone for a little bit and I said, I need it just in case,,,,we looked around...and I said this makes no sense I know I laid it on the counter....he just looked at me....then pulled it out of his pocket.....I just smiled and took it. I didn't say anything about it because I didn't want to embarrass him.


This guy has said many times that he just wants to be my friend....but what reason would he go through my phone if he didn't think of me more than a friend?


Or is it just normal??? This guy is 40, has been married twice and has had several relationships, so I know he's not shy. But even when we were sleeping together I never could read him...never knew when he was flirting, so I so don't understand him.

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From an outsider's point of view, he's definitely into you more than just a friend... Unless he really was that bored that he wanted to browse through your phone... after of course sending you on a pretend errand. lol. That of course would say he's definitely gotta find better things to do. But seriously, he definitely has to have quite a bit of interest in you to go through all that. While others find it creepy I find it genius and sweet lol.

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Sounds like he interested. Perhaps he was checking your phone to try and work out if you were seeing anyone new.


Plus all the other contact sounds like he's started seeing you in a new light.


i was going to say that as well, hes just making sure in his mind there isnt another guy in the wings. rather than ask you and sound like mr jealous. probably tried doing it in the least obvious way so he could put his doubts at rest in order to go full steam ahead with you. you rumbled him and it actually sounds like he handled being caught with great tact, rather than blow up in defense at being caught red handed!


not a bad way to deal with it but if he keeps looking thru your phone (if you carry on with the relationship) just be aware he may be the controlling type etc etc. just a little flag to keep stored for future reference. hope this helps



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I'm having a hard time understanding how you can go as far as having sex with him, but you can't ask him what he thinks of you, or if he likes you.


I'm not trying to judge you, but these kind of questions come up all the time on here. How can you get naked with someone, have them inside your body, yet be afraid to ask them a simple question?


No offense to you, or anyone else...this is just my opinion.

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I'm having a hard time understanding how you can go as far as having sex with him, but you can't ask him what he thinks of you, or if he likes you.


I'm not trying to judge you, but these kind of questions come up all the time on here. How can you get naked with someone, have them inside your body, yet be afraid to ask them a simple question?



No offense to you, or anyone else...this is just my opinion.


I understand your opinion, but have you dated lately???? Let me explain how this happened....I met a guy and took it really slow,,,talked with him for 7 months on the phone before I met him...we talked about everything...he told me he had just got out of a really bad relationship,,, wanted to take it slow and we did....we became friends, but we were attracted to him...he said he wanted someone just like me......we finally meet and we end up having sex and guess what.........he changed his mind,,,,all of sudden the things he said wasn't what he wanted.......I still liked the person he was.......and I thought I would just be he's friend and if it was meant to happen, it would. I love all these people who have some many ideas and opinions.......the truth, I wish the first guy I married, who was the 1st guy I slept with didn't turn out to be a drug addict who never worked, but guess what after waiting 6 years after our divorce and realizing he would never be my husband,,,,I took a chance and started talking to a guy on the phone,,,,who I became great friends with.....but, he wasn't honest just told me what I wanted to hear or maybe he meant what he said either way.......I guess I want someone to lie to me and say that he likes me when in truth I know he loves me as a friend but ...

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