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I've been very frustrated at my current position for a few years due to complete lack of direction and support from upper management, the "yes men" attitude they take with clients, subtle guilt-trips and manipulation, a disaster of an office, and a disgusting co-worker I have to share an office with. Numerous talks with my supervisor always ended with empty promises and one measly raise in 5 years that didn't even cover cost-of-living increases. I'm a very patient and tolerant person but I've just been placated and my experience and contributions have been ignored too long.


I've been searching and interviewing for different positions well over a year and always seemed to be one of the "final" candidates but due to the job falling through or simply not being picked, I've had a frustrating road... as many of you understand.


But just this week, I went through four rigorous interviews with the VP and P of the new organization, and despite having less knowledge of the position than other candidates, they picked me! I get what I wanted: More responsibility, decision making, teamwork, a small raise (but with yearly reviews and raises), great benefits, attending yearly career-building education conferences, and even my own office overlooking a park! I certainly am not making oodles of money, but I'm going to be much happier.


Just wanted to share my good news... and to let everyone know that you just need to keep at it. It may look bleak (and sometimes it is) but just keep trying, even if it isn't exactly in your field.



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I get what I wanted: More responsibility, decision making, teamwork, a small raise (but with yearly reviews and raises), great benefits, attending yearly career-building education conferences, and even my own office overlooking a park! I certainly am not making oodles of money, but I'm going to be much happier.


Wow. Sounds really nice. Good to hear about a middle class schlub finding success in this economy. Someday soon I'll have my own office too, but mine will be overlooking a female-only nude beach near a major university.

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Thanks, all! I just broke the news to my current employer yesterday (turned in letter today) and am getting the expected mixed reactions. The folks I like are wishing me the best and the folks I don't care for are giving me the usual slightly passive aggressive responses.


I'm actually surprised (so far) at the acceptance of the owners... they're not even trying to woo me with more money as they have done in the past with other folks that left. (They only pay more when they're forced to). But I think that is a sign of the economy... maybe they are relieved I'm leaving... don't have to pay my salary and benefits anymore!


9 more days to go...

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