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dark circles

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i also posted the same thing a bit ago on here.... i found this product called Boi ing by Benefit... google it online. Anyway, I found it for like around $16 or something. It works well for me and I have really bad bags. I bought the light shade and the medium shade. Light is too light and I have pretty fair skin so medium is a safer bet and works great for me. they also have a dark but there are only 3 shades total. I am really happy with it! let me know if you try it and if it works for you

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If you actually have dark circles and no bags, you'd be best just getting a concealer. I don't think the creams really do much, and applying a little concealer everyday is really easy. I'm very pale so my under eyes are pretty blueish. Concealer is a lot easier and cheaper. And honestly I don't think the creams to lighten the area really work.

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I would like to know the answer as well. Of course I don't wear makeup. lol.I've been accused of taking drugs, which I don't do, from a college professor because of my bad dark circles. Plus on numerous times I've been asked why I have black eyes and who punched me. It sucks because I can sleep 24hours a day and it won't matter I would still have them. Great genetics I have.

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It isn't makeup but it helps. Put circles of cold zucchini on your eyes for a few minutes. Then rub honey under the eyes in the dark circles (don't get in eye obviously). Then wait till dry, rinse with hot water and dry. Then take a piece of ice and rub on the spot. It helps.

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Here's a remedy that will cost you nothing... sleep with a raised pillow... it really works! Good luck!


Yep, sleeping with your head slightly elevated is said to be helpful. Also, make sure that you're drinking enough water through out the day, and not consuming too much salt/sugar. I've also read that a lack of iron in one's diet can sometimes make dark circles worst. Two other things that i've read about: very gently tapping the area around your eyes once in a while (to improve the circulation), and deep breathing.

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All of these helpful hints are bound to do some good, but keep in mind you can only do much. Those dark circles and how dark they get are unfortunately hereditary--like most unsightly things seem to be...


But definitely do these simple home remedies--elevated sleeping, plenty of water, tapping under the eyes and deep breaths.

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