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Guys please help me...what r signs u r pulling away??


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No don't do that just yet...just focus on your own life and agenda right now. Let him do the initiating and if you don't like the way he aproaches you, if he ever...then tell him that what you have been experiencing for the last few days/weeks is not what you are looking for.


Take back your control and focus on you.


If its in his heart to end it...he will use the silence to come to a decision. If in anyway the silence makes his heart grow fonder, than you know that there was just something bugging him he had to deal with on his own. And once that has been settled you can make it a topic to discuss..


If you end it now..it will be filled with pre-conclusions. Don't allow him to have you do the dirty work.


If you take some time off from this (like 2 weeks) and focus on you for a bit, than the regained strenght and outlook will cause you to see more clearly. This way..you can set an ultimatum for yourself and if nothing happens you like one bit..than leave his behind and move on.



The first 3-6 months in a rels are very telling about its future. If you need to go through this much unclarity, aggravation etc...its just not worth it. Believe me...


And then you owe it to yourself to let go...for you..and the guy in your future that will appreciate you the way you are entitled to..(for years and not for a few weeks).


PS I do have a feeling that he is headed for the door..so be prepared. That text you had send and his response....politeness right there..and once they start getting polite...you just know. A woman's instinct is 1000 times stronger than a guy's...trust your gut. But take a breather from his behind to come to terms with it all. He has probably already been doing that...and that is what you are feeling.

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yea exactly. i am ending it with him on sunday...or ill just not say anything and move on and start dating other people.


my anger just builds every day....he left monday morning and now its weds...he should have put some effort


the only thing he has done is respond politeyly to my texts


i hate cowards...why r men such cowards? if u aint interested....get some balls and break up w the girl...instead of acting like a coward and making us do the dirty work

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yea exactly. i am ending it with him on sunday...or ill just not say anything and move on and start dating other people.


my anger just builds every day....he left monday morning and now its weds...he should have put some effort


the only thing he has done is respond politeyly to my texts


i hate cowards...why r men such cowards? if u aint interested....get some balls and break up w the girl...instead of acting like a coward and making us do the dirty work


theyre afraid of women going psycho


so theyd rather just pretend to be busy or tired

at this point i i dont give them the satisfaction of breaking up for them (kind of like suicide by cop, where someone wants to kill themselves but ticks off the police so much they get shot)

i just do whatever it takes and fade out.

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So how does that explain women running the other direction when guys advance (act romantic) or them missing the guys when the guys ignore them???? completely opposite behaviors and contradictory to the book. Seriously, I love to understand this..enlighten me.


I can explain


People are different. I am the opposite (most would say abnormal) If I am ignored I tend to pull away, but when my guy gives me attention I return it. I understand where you are coming from though, normal people do in fact act the way you just wrote trick is to not go for sheep (figure of speech. Another way of saying this is dont go for people who like to play games or do as others do to be cool or what not. I in no way promote beastiality lmao and sorry this is a bit long to be in a parenthesis heh) but to take things slow and get to know someone on a personal level before even consider dating them. We get it into our heads that we always need to be with someone to be happy but that is not the case. I was single for a good 3 years, not even looking when I found my pookie. Give it time you will find who is right for you, and if you don't then meh, life should still be good. It is what you make it.


To OP, if this person is making you so annoyed/angry then leave it alone.. is it worth it? I am the type of person that if someone did something I didnt like I say it then and there... i never let anything linger. What do you have to lose? Someone who you think isnt interested in you anyways?


This is just my personal take on things I dont consider myself right or wrong I just know what works for me. Good luck in whatever you do.

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because of one guy?


Lol...i was being a drama queen...however...w men...a lot r the same. They always treat u so nice early on...and slack off once they get u as a gf or after a few months.


Plenty of fish in the sea for me...so whatever! Im a cute girl...I have a lot going for me...


To update u...my so called bf called me yest...im still annoyed w him...I dont think we right for eachother and ive already mentioned that a few times to him...i just feel like something is off and i cant trust him...ill give it one more week...but then i think ill give him the boot.


Thank goodness its still early on...so will be able to get over it fast...

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  • 2 years later...

If he didn't used to say, "I'm busy" but now he says, "I'm busy" then I think that is a sign he is losing interest. I agree with the earlier statement, that if he wants to see you, he will make time for you no matter how busy he is otherwise. Actions do speak louder than words and if he doesn't make time to see you, then he probably just doesn't want to see you. It's a bitter pill to swallow.

I've done the thing of waiting for a text reply or a returned phone call, and that's an awful way to spend your life, waiting for some little crumb of reassurance. I wouldn't hang your happiness on what he does or says or anything. You have to move away emotionally and become more emotionally independent. To the point where you honestly don't care if he texts you back or not. It's not going to affect your own happiness whether he does or not. It takes a lot of work to get to that point, and it can be painful work, but that is valuable work that will result in your own happiness in the long term.

It's hard to stop contacting, but I think it's healthy to do a trial period of no contact (the ubiquitous "NC" we read all over this forum.) That can be telling, to see what his response is. And that NC period is also valuable to you, to help you refocus on yourself and do the things that make you happy. You don't need him for that.

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