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Guys please help me...what r signs u r pulling away??


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We only been together 2 months...honey moon phase should still be here!!!!!!!


Maybe I expect too much? I mean...all I want is for him to act the way he did early on....why do guys freaking change once the girl likes him??


We want u to keep treating us nicely...


after 2 months you are just starting to like him? that might be the problem right there.

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I have to agree with Ghost. If hes traveling and not with you....that would lead me to believe he would contact you more bc he misses you? Bottom line, its only been 2 months...you should still bein the lovey, dovey, honeymoon phase. Either your phase has ended early or he is not as interested as before. I wouldnt break up but just keep your eyes and ears open. If it bothers you more then maybe you should talk to him?

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why couldn't she mean that? it could be that she is actually starting to open up and finally show the signs. maybe it's too little too late for him.


I took it as she was just saying that she likes the guy and now he stops trying. I could be wrong.

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after 2 months you are just starting to like him? that might be the problem right there.


no i mean...really like him! it takes me time to liek someone...the first few weeks im getting to know them and each time i see person i like them more andmore...until i REALLYlike them...meaning see a future


im not one of those girls that goes on one date w a guy and likes him all a sudden...i like someone for who they r and u can not see that until u get to know them and that times time!

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I have to agree with Ghost. If hes traveling and not with you....that would lead me to believe he would contact you more bc he misses you? Bottom line, its only been 2 months...you should still bein the lovey, dovey, honeymoon phase. Either your phase has ended early or he is not as interested as before. I wouldnt break up but just keep your eyes and ears open. If it bothers you more then maybe you should talk to him?


u r right...exactly...that is what i think...we r in honey moon stage...he should be contacting me more! i thought i was being paranoid...but u r right....


he has not really made any effort....


i think ill just back off and clear my head...perhaps try to move on a bit...bc i dont want a guy that doesnt miss me and treat me nice when he is away...esp when we supposed to be in honey moon stage

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u know what...i know this sounds wacky...but im going to make one last attempt to text him and be sweet..see how he acts...bc i never text him anything sweet...maybe that is why he stopped texting me sweet things?


and if he ignores me or still acts cold...then ill know for SURE he lost interest and i will back off for good..............



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u r right...exactly...that is what i think...we r in honey moon stage...he should be contacting me more! i thought i was being paranoid...but u r right....


he has not really made any effort....


i think ill just back off and clear my head...perhaps try to move on a bit...bc i dont want a guy that doesnt miss me and treat me nice when he is away...esp when we supposed to be in honey moon stage


You know, I just thought about this...maybe his relationship style is different than yours? My ex wined, dined, and showered me with attention when dating...but when we became exclusive it all stopped. He said he didnt feel he needed to try anymore once I became his gf. That could be it too. I think you should casually mention how your feeling.

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u know what...i know this sounds wacky...but im going to make one last attempt to text him and be sweet..see how he acts...bc i never text him anything sweet...maybe that is why he stopped texting me sweet things?


and if he ignores me or still acts cold...then ill know for SURE he lost interest and i will back off for good..............




that's one way to find out...

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that's one way to find out...


yes...bc its not like ive ever been mushy to him! he was always the one being much etc...


even last night when i saw him i had to pull away sometimes bc he kept looking at me w these eyes (goo goo eyes) and sometimes i get overwhelmed when someone shows too much affection...


i love when he treats me nice and says sweet things...but i guess u can say...i dont always show it...which could be why he pulling away


either that or he seriously lost interest...


i just sent him a sweet text....lets see what happens...if his behaviour does not improve after this...ill seriously give him the boot....i want a guy who i feel happy and content w...

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It said: Hey Baby how was ur day? Im in bed about to sleep. Wish u were here next to me


I know I know...it feels super mushy! However he has said some mushy mushy things to me and constantly compliments me and i usually just freeze...its so hard for me to say these sort of things...

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Hello, I've read Mars and Venus on a Date. It says that "a man may do everything to win a woman over, but once he has passed the finish line, he turns off his engine, parks his car and celebrates. In exclusivity, he mistakenly assumes the pursuit is over.


"Most men think that you do the little romantic things only until a woman accepts you and then you can relax. A man does not instinctively realize that it is his romantic attention that fuels a woman's attraction for him. If a man relaxes too much, a woman will not get the fuel she needs to continue responding to him the way she did"



I found the book helpful, maybe you could get a copy of it.

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Geez...well I guess im half way there.........


However, its hard to tell bc the last week he has been travelling and that is when i noticed a change in behaviour...


He does not contact me as much...


Does not call me the sweet names he used to...


The only thing is he confuses me bc when I saw him the one day he was here...he was affectionate...hugging me, holding me the entire night...giving me sweet kisses...and no it was not for sex...bc he did not even try to sleep w me...


Is it normal for a guy to pull away and be less attentive...but still act affectionate w u when he sees u? When he saw me he kept telling me sweet things...like u look so sweet, so pure, kind yada yada...but does not call me baby or princess anymore


If you both usually cant resist jumping into the sack and he did not want to jump your bones after being away and not seeing you you might seriously wonder. As a guy I know the FIRST thing I would want to do when I got home with my gf is get it on in a major way.

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Hello, I've read Mars and Venus on a Date. It says that "a man may do everything to win a woman over, but once he has passed the finish line, he turns off his engine, parks his car and celebrates. In exclusivity, he mistakenly assumes the pursuit is over.


"Most men think that you do the little romantic things only until a woman accepts you and then you can relax. A man does not instinctively realize that it is his romantic attention that fuels a woman's attraction for him. If a man relaxes too much, a woman will not get the fuel she needs to continue responding to him the way she did"



I found the book helpful, maybe you could get a copy of it.


So how does that explain women running the other direction when guys advance (act romantic) or them missing the guys when the guys ignore them???? completely opposite behaviors and contradictory to the book. Seriously, I love to understand this..enlighten me.

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yea i was hoping he would reply something sweet or flrity! ARGH men...they always do sweet things early on...once they get u...they freaking cool off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


ill back off...ive had enough of this BS


Go easy on him maybe you are over thinking it. When I was with my X girl and I started college, I travelled, worked, joined different clubs on campus, and became real busy; it was my job, which lead to less contact with x-gf. I did like her a lot, and I was sweet and a gentlemen with her, but work gets your tired; which leads to fatigue and not having time like before. Hence any free time I did have I would rather do whatever seemed best or fun at the time and being with m x-girlfriend during all my free time was not the business. (but I did enjoy being with her, lets just say it was not my time) And of course due to the limmited contact she found what she wanted else where, with someone who was there all the time and that's that. If anything give hims space, if he makes no attemps at all to stay with you, show you love when he has more than enough extra time then it means he is not interested.

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hmmm i dont think im over thinking it....there is a def change...it takes 1 mins to send me a text! today again...no text


anyways....ive made loads of plans for the next week...so ill just move on from him...only been dating him 2 months....so much easier to stop and nip it in the bud

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hmmm i dont think im over thinking it....there is a def change...it takes 1 mins to send me a text! today again...no text


anyways....ive made loads of plans for the next week...so ill just move on from him...only been dating him 2 months....so much easier to stop and nip it in the bud


You are doing the right thing! I saw red flags in the beg of the relationship with my ex and was completely heart broken in the end. Its best to move on now. *hugs*

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Do u think I should tell him its over? Or just start ignoring and avoiding him until he asks what is up? I could tell him that my feelings have changed and things have not been the same, I feel like we want different things and are not compatable in a relationship...as I require the same amount attention he gave me a month ago and the change in his behaviour is not acceptable to me for a relationship.


I understand people are different..eventually I will find a guy that treats me nice and continues to do so through out the relationship....not jsut all a sudden stopping the effort.

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