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Help with G/f mum dying part 2


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Hi, Im not sure what im feeling today, but I think we maybe on the verge of splitting up and theres not alot I can do about it. On Friday I asked questions of our relationship and went on a bit. I wasnt nasty to her jsut questioned what was going on with us and whether she wanted me around at this time as I got the impression I wasnt wanted. After reading your post earlier, I only saw it today, im really regretting saying what i did. I havent seen her all weekend but have spoken to her about things. She says that ill never understand everyithing fully and that the way I was is just an added stress to her. Thing is its difficult not to take things personally when its someone I love so much. Ive missed her so much although its only been two day. I went out last night as she had a friend round and wanted "an early night", a polite way of saying I dont want to see you. All I talked to people about was her even to the point of soemone chatting me up all I was going on about my g/f . Although we've had quite a troubled realtionship as her mum was ill throughout it I do love her and wouldnt want to be without her. Thing is though I feel its been taken to far and I think she thinking more of us splitting up than staying together. I dont want to loose her. I want to see her tonight and tell her this but I feel shes not as keen to see me. I want to say these things to her but is it to late?? Would I ust be wasting my breath.Is it best to wait for her to contact me?? In some ways I just want to find out what sort of decsion,if any she has made over the weekend about our relationship continuing.I think she bascially feels that ive let her down and not really supported her. I just want her to know that I want to be with her, to be there for her. is there any good way of going abotu this?All I want is five minutes to say what I have to say

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You're gfs mum is dying? sorry to hear that.....anyway, look, you have to be there for her, if you love her...do you love her? it doesn't matter....it is your duty as a human being to be there when another person needs you...and she needs your support, don't tell her that it is going to be alright, everything will be ok..she is going through a hard time. She needs to grieve.... give her time......just don't piss her off or offend her...and try to be sensitive to her needs..she needs you now more than ever (probably)


hope it works out between you two

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