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Office Ettiquite how to handle others


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How would you deal with a supervisor that intimidates you, stops by your desk and shakes your cube. Reaches over, helps himself to your snacks by digging his hands in your nuts. Makes fun of the way you talk. Basically abnoxious who his best buddies with the HR Director?


This co is slowly killing me I'm sure if I don't get out fast...

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take him aside in a private 1 to 1...and express how you feel. That you appreciate him as your manager, but you would like to express something that is important to you, then be very concrete about what it is you dont like and how it makes you feel (especially the how it makes you feel part is important), than ask him politely not to do this again and tell him how you would feel if he proceeds in that manner,


than thank him for being so understanding..




I know..its a bit sucking up..but a lot of people cant handle critism that well...he is acting a bit like the popular dude in the class. And you have to approach this soft, professional but clear. In order for this to not backfire on you. For me it seem like he's someone who wants to be liked..in an odd way that is. But still..


You know him better I guess...but I feel you are fearful of what he might do, but still its better that 'RESPECT" is always the groundrule for interaction by both parties.

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How would you deal with a supervisor that intimidates you, stops by your desk and shakes your cube. Reaches over, helps himself to your snacks by digging his hands in your nuts. Makes fun of the way you talk. Basically abnoxious who his best buddies with the HR Director?


This co is slowly killing me I'm sure if I don't get out fast...


People are always encouraged by response, that is what they are looking for...so avoid him as much as you can, ignore him....He should get the hint.

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I'd probably say something like


I hope you can type with 9 fingers because 1 is going to be missing if you touch my food again.


lmao...I think that would be a great way to handle this OP. It sounds like hes joking around trying to have fun with you. Obviously, you do not think this is funny. So just make a joke about it to let him know without seeming uptight.

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He constantly attempts to press your buttons. If you ignore him he will shake the hell out of your desk. He stands in front of you and adjusts himself, picks his nose and then grabs a snack.


When I spoke to him about an issue some time ago he replied " ?? company down the road is hiring, you may want to put an application in there".


I've come to the conclusion they are a bunch of bullies. He's been with the co for many many years...

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I would keep my snacks in a drawer where he won't see them. And I would try asking him in a joking way not to shake the cubicle, e.g.: "Geez, Bob, you're shaking the walls to pieces. Do we need to take you to a playground to work off that energy?"


If he did it again, I might "accidentally" leave a straight pin stuck in the cubicle wall in the location he likes to grab...of course I'd be *so* sorry and surprised when he poked himself on it!

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I would keep my snacks in a drawer where he won't see them. And I would try asking him in a joking way not to shake the cubicle, e.g.: "Geez, Bob, you're shaking the walls to pieces. Do we need to take you to a playground to work off that energy?"


If he did it again, I might "accidentally" leave a straight pin stuck in the cubicle wall in the location he likes to grab...of course I'd be *so* sorry and surprised when he poked himself on it!


I like this one...

Or spray something that stings maybe? I can't think of what...

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IMO, its unprofessional to quit a job just bc you dont like someone. Unless they are making your life hell and even then I would stick it out til the end. Times are too rough to quit bc of something trivial.


He's his boss, and it's not just that OP doesn't "like" him; it's that his boss is clearly an ill-tempered, I-hate-my-life, immature little brat on a power trip. Not getting along with a coworker is one thing, but with a boss like this guy, I think OP has the patience of a saint for not punching his lights out long ago.

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The guy is a director, he loves to draw attention to himself.


He made the remark last week to me that since I have a bf it looks as though my overall health has improved. He added "well perhaps if you keep up with the dating you should be in good shape".


I watch others how they interact. They seem to humor him. I'm the quiet type, I can't help it.


Just when things were getting better and we had a problem co-worker who was emotionally draining leave to go to another dept, now I have to deal with this.


Since I have to go to my dr regular to have my blood taken my boss brushes it off my saying "they can control a clot with blood thinners".. I don't know how much more I can take of this bullying. HR does not care, they have seen the way he acts. I have known many people who have left the company because of this director.

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