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I met this guy Joe 5 years ago when we were hired at the job I currently work at. We immediately became friends. We would go out with our friends and I always had fun with him. I knew from other people that he liked me as more than a friend, but I only wanted friendship from him and he had a girlfriend anyway. A year into our friendship, I started to see him as more than a friend and I told him. Things weren't good with his girlfriend so he broke up with her and we started seeing each other. I think he was on the rebound, because the relationship was only sexual. He knew I wanted to date and be a couple. He always made excuses or said if I "behaved" or did this or that, we would date. I was so dumb that I beleieved him and would try harder to please him. Well I found out that he got back together with his ex girlfriend a year after they broke up and never told me. I am so hurt that he would do that and not tell me. He always swore that he wasn't sleeping with anyone but me. He told me he loved me. It disgusts me that he was sleeping with both of us. It's also difficult since I see him at work sometimes. I know this happens to girls all the time. Then it makes me feel inadequate that he chooses to be with her and not me. I know looks aren't everything, but she isnt that attractive.The problem is that we still talk and text and I can't leave him alone. What is wrong with me? Any other girl would walk away and I don't know why I don't. Is it because I want what I can't have? I have told him that I am never talking to him sooo many times that he laughs when I say it now. I know this situation is not healthy for me (I have anorexia and bulimia and it gets worse when he upsets me, which has been alot lately). Help!

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I know how you must feeling because something kinda similar happened to me. You HAVE to STOP talking to him completely. You will never get over him if you continue talking to him. I know what it's like to tell someone you're never going to talk to them & not even do it & have them laugh at you. He dosen't take you seriously & the reason why he never wanted to be your boyfriend was because he planned on getting back with his ex. He was only using you. Man like him disgust me. He is not worth it because he is a liar & a cheater. You have got to stay away from him. You should have stopped talking to him the minute you found out the truth. As soon as I found out my ex had a girlfriend & had been using me I completely stopped talking to him. I know it hurts real bad but it's time for you to show that jerk how much you're worth. Right now he has you on the palm of his hand. He dosen't feel guilty because you're still talking to him. Find a way so that you don't have to see him anymore. I hope you feel better.

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Thank you for the advice. Everything you said is true. It's only been one day of NC. I have so many conflicting emotions. I do feel a little better. He stressed me out everyday and definitely damaged my self esteem. He texted me this afternoon and siad some pretty hurtful things...that I deserved for him to hurt me. I know he wanted a response, but I re-read your reply and I just ignored him. Whenever I feel the urge to contact him I will read it. I know he probably doesn't take me seriously now, but in a few weeks he will realize that it wasn't ok to treat me that way and that I want nothing to do with him. Thanks again =)

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Well... The guy made me sicked.... Agree with iknowhowtolove!


Lindsey, stay strong! I once got the feeling that you had...

What is wrong with me? Any other girl would walk away and I don't know why I don't.

Sometimes a broken relationship need to be ended fast or else you'll be truly in agony... Trust yourself and respect your own decision... Don't talk to him anymore, the longer you and him is in these kind of interaction, the harder you will find yourself to get through all this!! I realized this as it happened to me, it dragged me for almost 2 months for being totally malfunction(failed my test](*,))!


My case, She just walkaway with another guy, it was sad for me... So what I did is getting all my will power to stop any contact to her, stop seeing her... and it works but painful ^.^ Love yourself Lind, I'm sure you'll getting over it....

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