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Moving in With 2 Girls


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Hey guys. I am a guy fresh out of college moving into a house with 2 female roomates who are still in college, as I am working now full time in this town. I have never lived with women before so are there any tips or things to expect living with 2 girls, in a house?



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watch threes company!

hhah kidding. it reminded me of that, sorry.


just be respectful of the livingspace and make sure to keep mess to a minimum. also, obviously don't ever make any sexual jokes toward them or make them feel uncomfortable in that way. i think that's an obvious one though.

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I agree; whether you are male or female, the important thing is to clean up after yourself. Will you have several bathrooms? Generally when I had male roommates I preferred to have a separate bathroom. Not a huge deal if you won't. Don't walk around in boxers & nothing else!

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Avoid them as much as possible. Lock yourself in your room and don't answer the door for any reason whatsoever. Try to wait until they are gone before you leave the room. Since this is not always possible, I'd recommend an easily removable window screen and a rope ladder if necessary. Practice going up and down the ladder stealthily. They make more noise than you may think.


Eat out as often as possible and try to store military-style ration food in your room for when you're unable to leave. Do not use the refrigerator, kitchen, or living room. You can make an exception for the living room if you can see them coming and can sprint to your room before they open the front door.


If you do not have your own bathroom, hire a contractor immediately to have one installed. Until then, use the trees and shrubs outside your window.


Good luck, brother.

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Hey guys. I am a guy fresh out of college moving into a house with 2 female roomates who are still in college, as I am working now full time in this town. I have never lived with women before so are there any tips or things to expect living with 2 girls, in a house?




OKay all around people are giving you great advice. I'm a girl, living with 2 girls who have had our issues. I would be careful NOT to interfere in the relationship they have with each other, as in Don't take sides between them. This is tricky, they may drag you in with "Have you noticed so and so always... or never..." When you're three (esp. 2 girls) its easy to create a situation where two gangs up against 1. When they're friends already, you don't want to be the one in the middle.

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LOL! Love it. My kind of sense of humor.


Oh, and just for the record, women can be pretty nasty/messy, too. I don't think I could be roomies with a female I wasn't romantically involved with. Like someone said, if you have your own bathroom, it probably won't be bad, but if you guys are sharing, ugh. Drains clogged with hair, dirty tampons in the waste basket, 3/4's of the counter lined with hygiene products and makeup... Not saying this exemplifies all women, but if you get the slobby/messy ones, good luck.

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Hey guys. I am a guy fresh out of college moving into a house with 2 female roomates who are still in college, as I am working now full time in this town. I have never lived with women before so are there any tips or things to expect living with 2 girls, in a house?




You should expect hair everywhere. Honestly, women lose 1 million pieces of hair every day...at least...I'm not exaggerating...;-)


Seriously, you should avoid getting involved in all their drama. Keep your distance and you'll be fine.

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get ready to unclog the drain all the time.


Yeah, seriously...


But seriously, I've lived with girls and I've lived in a house with 6 guys and just little ol' me.


It really depends on the girls.I liked living with guys a lot better because I relate to them better. We never had any problems. Although, I did have to initiate a "2 layers" rule. 2 layers being the number of layers between me and their junk. Don't walk around in just your underwear. One of my housemates would spend his entire day in just his boxers and play WoW...no shirt either. I don't want to see that.




Always knock before entering the room or bathroom and put the toilet seat down after every use. Please and thank you.

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I think it's the same with any roommates, with an added layer of comfort-zone. Sit down with the two of them and set up some house "rules" about cleaning, boyfriends/girlfriends coming over, bills, etc. They can clean/not clean THEIR rooms but all mutual space should be respected and kept clean. They might be a bit freaked out about a guy in the house so be neutral, respect their space. Don't get involved with either of them. LOL


And I agree that women can be just as bad as men. My fiancee's old roommate was absolutely, by far, the most disgusting person I've ever met. Her room was just nasty and should have been condemned... you could smell it every time she opened the door. When she moved out, we never could remove the stench completely. (Think rotten food and a kitten she never cleaned up after)... blech.


sorry for the tangent... lol

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Ha. The whole toilet seat down thing is no joke. Women get PO'd about it for sure. Never understood the big deal until I fell into the toilet one night while drunk. Definitely an AH-HA moment.


Nothing worse than getting cold water up "there" in the middle of the night when you are half asleep and stummbled into the bathroom.

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Yeah, it happened in a hotel on one of those oversized toilets that you could play battleship in. I literally fell in and wound up breaking the towel rack trying to get out in my drunken state. Still had the wherewithal to jump in the shower before heading back to bed. The next day I was all paranoid to my then-gf about possibly having gotten staph or herpes from it.

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Women are usually MUCH more difficult to live with UNLESS they grew up with brothers or are one of those selfless girls. Women write crap with markers on the fridge and are bossy about how you eat, how you decorate, and demand that you clean all the time, every second of your life should be devoted to cleaning the dishes, the bathroom, your room. And you have to buy potporri. Plus they have sex with random people at night and you can hear it through the room walls. Its different every night though as the guest appearance changes.

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