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Born Again Virgin?


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I believe this is called a baptism. (not trying to be sarcastic).



I think what is happening here is that you are just simply "born again" as far as everything goes. Not just with your sexual experiences but with life in general. All the decisions you have made in your past, to include sex, are washed away, forgiven and forgotten. It's a new life and what ever decisions that are made from that point on are supposed to be more Godly.


It is more of a spiritual thing than anything else though. I was recently baptized July 18th (for my Birthday) but I did not feel like a virgin.


Just sayin...

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is hypothetical I guess. usually baptist churches perform this act of baptism and after it there is a new you, because all your sins have been forgiven by jesus, therefore, there is a new you.I don't know about the virgin thing thou

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I don't see why they would need to dunk you to make you a "born again" virgin. If you've had sex, you've had sex. That's as silly as marriage annulments: why pretend you were never married if you were? Why deny the truth?


I don't see anything wrong with deciding to be celebate until marriage even though you're not a virgin, but isn't that a chioce you make? Water or no water is going to change what you've already done.

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IMHO, it's a misguided belief that sexuality has anything to do with impurity. If you have sex, for whatever reason, and whoever with, you should know what you're doing, be cognizant of the decision and do it well!


Impurity/sin has nothing to do with it.

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Basically, it's equivilent to a "do over."


We're going to pretend that what happened prior to the date of the re-virginization didn't happen because we've had some sort of epiphany about the wrongness of our ways.


If it works for someone, it's their choice to do this.


I also know people who claim we re-virginate if we are celibate for 6 months or a year (no religious beliefs involved).


Me, I figure I did what (....or who....) I did. I might as well own it.

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I think that this ritual has been developed in order to allow a person to feel that they can start over and can recommit themselves to being a virgin until marriage. However this is only psychological manipulation and is done more for the effect it is supposed to have on the person then actually making the person a virgin again.

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I think if someone wants to "cleans" themselves for prior sin, then they have every right to do so. I also believe that it is not the water or the person dunking you in it that makes you pure... it is the decisions that you make AFTER being baptized/born again that makes you pure.


The reality of it all is, you WILL sin again. And whether you murder someone or say a "bad" word, it is all the same in God's eyes and he will forgive you for either one. IF the fact that you have had pre-marital sex bothers you that much, I think that it is awesome that we can wash it all away.


As far as pre marital sex being a "sin". I have my own view on that. In short, pre-marital sex has been dipicted as a sin by other people, not Jesus. It is believed that Jesus not only had sex, but had a son and a daughter.


Peter and paul the apostle claim to have been by Jesus' side, however, research has proved that they did not come to this planet until 50+ years AFTER Jesus Christ was crucified. So the fact that they are preaching that pre-marital sex is a sin... just blows me away because they never actually "heard" this from Jesus.


I think that we are ALL children of God and the sole purpose of Jesus' Christs crucifiction was to wash all of our sins away. New and old. So whatever we decide to do here on earth, although we are judged for it, is forgivable. I am not saying that we should go murder people and then ask for forgiveness over and over again. I am just saying that we do not need to feel like we have to walk on eggshells our whole life.


So in short, get out there, get forgiven, have fun, have sex, love others like you have never loved before, love God, love your family, love your friends, lend a helping hand to those in need, wash away your ego and only act upon your conscience. Love is the only true emotion alive so if you are feeling anything other than love, you need to take another look at your life

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It makes sense that pre-martial sex would be discouraged in those days - most were married at a very young age (telling a 14 year old v. a 34 year old to abstain are completely different things), high risk of pregnancy and no birth control, most marriages where pre-arranged or happened for some sort of reason not relate to love or attraction, not to mention the low status of women and how they were viewed.

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Thank you. I appreciate all the positivity on this thread. I am open to answering all questions possible for everyone.


Just keep in mind. The posts that I make on here are simply out of my own personal beliefs. I am not saying that I am wrong or right

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Virginity means nothing unless you think it means something.


So, if these people believe that they can get back their "virginity" through some way, okay, it doesn't bother me. I don't understand why people stress virginity so much but it's important to them. And that's always cool; people doing what makes them feel good.


Personally, I never really felt like a virgin. All through my years, my "innocence" has been chipped away by guy friend's asking me questions about "girl parts", making out with boys, learning about sexual philosophies on ENA, and all sorts of good stuff like that.


I don't think actually having sex took away my virginity. I felt like I was a sexual being long before the deed was done.


I don't put much stock in virginity, waited longer than most people who do worry about virginity, and ended up happy with my first time.

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Virginity means nothing unless you think it means something.


So, if these people believe that they can get back their "virginity" through some way, okay, it doesn't bother me. I don't understand why people stress virginity so much but it's important to them. And that's always cool; people doing what makes them feel good.


Personally, I never really felt like a virgin. All through my years, my "innocence" has been chipped away by guy friend's asking me questions about "girl parts", making out with boys, learning about sexual philosophies on ENA, and all sorts of good stuff like that.


I don't think actually having sex took away my virginity. I felt like I was a sexual being long before the deed was done.


I don't put much stock in virginity, waited longer than most people who do worry about virginity, and ended up happy with my first time.



Well said! Virginity is just a word just like age is just a number. Nothing to sweat over.

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