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love kills

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hi sorry i posted this like 10 minutes and my friend whent on my laptop and deleted it Anyway have known this girl for over a year we just spoke at school about random stuff but we never asw eachother outside of school. We then txted eachother a bit and once we left school fo the holidays but didnt see eachother for 12 weeks. we just texted eachother sometimes she takes days to reply, then in the past two weeks we have met up twice once for dinner and the other time we went into town for some shopping. i went back to hers and we just spoke and watched tv. we still havent hugged or kissed or anything. when we talk she doesnt tell me about any of her friends and doesnt ask my advice. when i look at here in the eyes she looks back in mine. when i talk she listens but she doesnt speak as much as i do and she rarely askes me questions we just speak about random stuff and what we have bn up to. but the proble is i really want to date her but i dont know if i am in the friend zone. Does it sound like i am stuck in the friend zone?

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i dont know she is very hard to read since she is nice to everyone. when i said goodby to her at the door there was defenetly something there we were both lingering and i should have gone for and i really regret it but i dont know if that just friendship. im not sure quite what to do either? we r meeting up at some point this week.

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