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how common is pulling away in the beginning stages?


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how common is this in everyones experience- and does it ever work out into a real relationship? ive had a strand of boys that have showed tons of interest in me for months- only to be freaked out when i reciprocate affection. makes me so untrusting of real feelings. is this common? does it always end up bad?


Depends on what kind of affection you are giving them.


If you come on too strongly, they'll get turned off.

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Check out my threads from the last few days.


This girl led me on, pulled away from me suddenly and gave me cliched excuses. I then called her out on her actions, told her that it was probably a blessing in disguise as I have things going on in my life that I need to sort out and that I am not one to hang around when I've been rejected....Now, she is contacting me practically begging me not to hate her and hang around as a friend!


It just goes to show that if someone pulls away from you and you then turn it around and pull away from them, they don't like it!


Women. Why are you so damn confusing?!

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I just hate it when guys change their behaviour a few weeks after I start seeing them.


That's typically what happens.


I meet a guy, like him...and we date for a while. And then he'll pull out this whole new personality because he is "opening up" and I'm stuck thinking "where did the cute, secure, sarcastic boy go?!"...


Start out from the get go up front and open.

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Yes, I am one of those guys...expressing those things too soon makes women run..it does not make sense to me but just through experience I have learned not to compliment much on the obvious physical things that every guy would be mentioning every date. What I do like to do is mention something less obvious like the time she took to make her nails look nice or how I like her eyebrows (I really do like eyebrows). And of course, I am sincere.

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