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We had sex - now what?


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Ok let me give you some background here. Last week I went on a little vacation with a friend of mine and her husband, their 2 kids, and my kid. We went out of state about 8 hours away. When we got to our destination we were also joined by a friend of their's who lives in that state. A couple days into vacation I was telling my friend that her friend from that state (David) was hot and I'd like to do him. Well apparently her husband passed that message along to David.


So that night me and David drank and had sex all night long. And I have to say it was the best sex I've ever had in my life! In fact I haven't been able to get if off my mind ever since then. Anyways the next day everywhere we went he rode with me instead of his friends. He held hands with me when we went out in public and bought me lunch that day. Then that night was pretty much a repeat of the previous night except we drank very little this time (I had 2 beers, he had 1). So we had amazing sex all night. Anyway the next day I had to leave but the night before we had exchanged numbers.


So I left and he told me to call him when I got back home so he would know that I made it ok. He told me to leave a voicemail if he didn't answer because he doesn't always have his phone on him (which I saw was true when we hung out). So I called him and left voicemail that I had made it. A few hours later he texted me back saying his phone was in the car and asking how my drive was.


So ever since then we have texted back and forth a little. In one of his texts he was talking about the marks he left on my neck and I said you should have made them darker and he says I will next time. So I get excited because he has actually mentioned a next time! Then later he says he might be up here before summer is over to visit someone's grave and he will visit me. So my question is this - is this guy at all interested in me for anything other than sex? I mean I would gladly take the sex because it was incredible. But he was also really nice to me and my daughter and I would definitely be interested in something more but I have no idea if he would be interested. Any thoughts? Any input would be appreciated. Thanks for reading this its longer than I meant it to be

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If he was interested in you then he would be making an effort to keep more contact with you. Not hes visiting someones grave and while he is there he may as well meet you. I may stand corrected but it sounds just like hes interested in sex to me.

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I would say that its really impossible to know this guy's intentions from this situation. However, if these other folks are good friends of yours, I don't think they'd have introduced this guy to if you he was a bad guy. I'd give him the enefit of the dout and see if something can come of this, but 8 hours is a fair distance, and it'd take a lot of work on both your parts.


I'd say that you should try and get some more contact going, maybe invite him to town for a weekend visit sometime, although I'd say he ought to get a hotel room. You two moved really fast with the physical aspect, and will need to get caught up on emotional and personality contact.

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I would say that its really impossible to know this guy's intentions from this situation. However, if these other folks are good friends of yours, I don't think they'd have introduced this guy to if you he was a bad guy. I'd give him the enefit of the dout and see if something can come of this, but 8 hours is a fair distance, and it'd take a lot of work on both your parts.


I'd say that you should try and get some more contact going, maybe invite him to town for a weekend visit sometime, although I'd say he ought to get a hotel room. You two moved really fast with the physical aspect, and will need to get caught up on emotional and personality contact.


There is nothing bad about him if he just wants sex from her since she was the one who said that was all she wanted..she made it clear that she wanted a good lay...so basically the friend acted as a pimp. This was not a setup for a relationship this was a setup for sex..that's what pimps do. The holding hands business, well, that's just caught up in the moment and a prelude to the next evenings sexual activities. This started off as a sex setup..and given that the distance is 8 hours, this might turn out to be one of those things where, when you are in each other's towns, you meet up for sex. I wouldn't hold out much hope that a real relationship will come out of this...if you were living in the same town then it might have a better chance of happening, but 8 hours away when it started off as a meeting specifically for sex...I would be very surprised if a relationship came out of it.

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First of all, I don't get why you females have to overanalyze everything all the time. You had fun, held hands, had lunch, all the good stuff. He called, and mentioned he might be out your way. That's it. Can't you just accept that you've met someone you like and just see what happens next without trying to plan your marriage next?


Secondly, you posters who think she's stuck in the booty call zone, how do you know? Wild and baseless assumptions IMO.

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