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he says im rushing things..how?

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if you read my previous post youll see that i was having trouble becoming friends with my ex again because he was mad at me.


well about 2 weeks ago, we started talking again and are friends again. things are going good and im glad. yesterday i was bored and asked him if he would wanna go something after he got off work and he said not tonight because he had to get up early the next morning so he asked me if we could tonight after i got off work and i said sure. he asked me what and i suggested that we could watch a movie at my house.(keep in mind that im living with my parents while in college.) a little after that he told me that he felt like i was rushing things by asking him to come over and watch a movie and that he wouldnt feel comfortable. i am really confused on that. what exactly am i rushing? were friends and have been for a while besides the past month when he was mad at me, and i thought watching a movie would be harmless. i dont think that asking him to hang out is rushing anything. i see him everyday because we ride to school together.


i really have no idea what he could feel that im rushing. anyone have any idea or any opinions? it would help a lot.





today before we went to our college classes he asked me to come over so he can put something on my laptop for him. so i did and turns out that his grandma wasnt home(he lives w. her) so it was just us..he says he doesnt feel comfortable coming over to watch a movie but he feels fine us being alone together in his room. it doesnt make any sense to me. we just sat up there until the stuff on my comp was done downloading then we left because his grandma came home. she doesnt allow me up in his room ever..so we kinda had to leave..i wonder what would have happened if we stayed there a little longer..

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Even if you live with your parents, being at someone's house is a lot more private and intimate than say, meeting for coffee in public. He probably would have preferred to hang out in public somewhere, maybe because he is not entirely over you and doesn't want to be reminded of spending time with you in a private setting.


I didn't read your previous post. Are you trying to get back together with him? Or just want a platonic friendship?

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I read your previous post about why your ex was mad at you. You said he broke up with you, and then while you were on the break you lied to him. Yes it was about something silly, but he may have already feared that you liked this guy friend, and perhaps lying to him about who you were with confirmed this fear in his mind. He could also be afraid that you are moving on too quickly as he may not have let go just yet and still has feelings for you.

It could also be possible that he felt guilty about breaking up with you, and then after you lied he may have overreacted to lay some of the guilt on you.

As for the whole rushing things...I agree with Mia, he may still be reminded of spending time with you in a private setting and it may be hard for him if he still has feelings for you.

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Even if you live with your parents, being at someone's house is a lot more private and intimate than say, meeting for coffee in public. He probably would have preferred to hang out in public somewhere, maybe because he is not entirely over you and doesn't want to be reminded of spending time with you in a private setting.


I didn't read your previous post. Are you trying to get back together with him? Or just want a platonic friendship?


well we were on a break and then things went bad and he got mad at me and we stopped talking. so for right now im just focused on being his friend. im not sure how i feel about getting back with him.

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Can honestly say if one of my exes invited me over to watch a movie I would feel pretty uncomfortable.


Infact I have an ex like this, she kept pushing on me that we where friends and eventually I snapped and told her to * * * * off and started point blank ignoring her every time she contacted me.


My advice, start out superficial and slow like with a person you might have met at work, then go towards a friendship

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Can honestly say if one of my exes invited me over to watch a movie I would feel pretty uncomfortable.


Infact I have an ex like this, she kept pushing on me that we where friends and eventually I snapped and told her to * * * * off and started point blank ignoring her every time she contacted me.


My advice, start out superficial and slow like with a person you might have met at work, then go towards a friendship


yeah i can see your point. he seemed okay with hanging out at first then changed to telling me im rushing things.

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