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pictures for dating websites


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I've been using Okcupid for at least a year but I've maybe messaged 5 girls on there. My friends tell me I should message more of them but I always feel I need these awesome pictures of me before I can even start messaging a girl. I'm don't feel like a very photogenic person though, so more of half of the pictures I'm in look bad when I see them. This should be mentioned since I have friends who sometimes say otherwise when they see pictures of me, it's probably just a reflection of my self esteem. So if you're not very photogenic how do you get decent pictures without having to go to a pro photographer?

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There's not really much you can do if you're that bad at taking good photos of yourself except go to a pro.


If there's any photos of you at a party or something, and you're with your friends & you look good, you could try that.


Do you have any friends who have any make up/styling/photography experience? They could help you out.

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Being photogenic is subjective I think. You think your pictures look bad but someone else may think they look great.


You don't need to get someone to take awesome pictures of you. You don't need to take pictures with your cell phone in your bathroom mirror (pleaase don't do that). Like ayo said, post pictures of you at a party (not with a funnel in your mouth) or a picture of you and your mom from mothers day. Whatever. They don't have to be a huge deal. You're probably overthinking it.

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You could post your photo here if you wanted. We could give you an unbiased opinion, or you could just ask a female friend who is secure enough in your friendship to not be afraid of hurting your feelings.

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Get a friend to take a whole roll of pictures of you in your favorite clothing. Try indoors and out with different backgrounds and change clothing in between. Be silly in some and have fun! Then let your friend choose the best ten and you choose five of those.


I am so dating myself, "whole roll", lol.


I mean 24 pictures.

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I believe people do indeed place far too much emphasis on pictures. Sure sure, they are fun to look at, but really I pretty much just put up whatever. I try to show different sides of me... looking scruffy and looking decent. I try to provide the spectrum of me.



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Kevinm has good pictures of himself on his profile (he's very cute!). His pictures look natural and happy and I'd write back to him if he wrote (provided it's more than one line )


You don't have to do posed pictures. Be natural and happy and you'll be golden.

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I dated a guy from okc once who got pro pictures done for his profile. When I found out he did it just for that, I sort of thought him a douche...


Ouch... yeah I wasn't planning on getting a pro photographer because a dating pic should give someone an idea of what you usually look like on an average day. I've considered getting it done before though. I used to be more accepting of pics of myself until recently... it had something to do with a 14-yr old girl calling me a pizza face lol.

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I believe people do indeed place far too much emphasis on pictures. Sure sure, they are fun to look at, but really I pretty much just put up whatever. I try to show different sides of me... looking scruffy and looking decent. I try to provide the spectrum of me.




Where can I find some of these pictures of you? They sound really good from smudders said.


You could post your photo here if you wanted. We could give you an unbiased opinion, or you could just ask a female friend who is secure enough in your friendship to not be afraid of hurting your feelings.


There should be a pic of me in my profile, I'm the farthest on the right.

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I don't think you've got anything to lose by putting pix of you online. I mean, if you've only messaged 5 people then you can't really tell if that many girls are interested or not because you haven't tried. Sometimes b&w photos look better but I like to see a colour pic to get a good impression of the guy. I also like it to be close up so I can get a good view of his face - not too far away.

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I think the fact that you're not smiling is no good. If someone's going to respond to a picture, you want it to look like you enjoy life and are generally fun to be around. I agree that you look bored and unhappy in those pictures (and in the middle one you look very young)

Get some friends together and do a photo shoot of some sort. That's what my girlfriends and I did when we dated online.

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Get a digital camera with a delay timer, take the picture over & over until you get what you're looking for.


Here's some recent ones...

You need better posture. Your shoulders are always leaning forward and scrunched together, and you're hunched over a bit. Your shoulders should be at your side, a little bit back, and you should make as much space as possible between your ears and shoulders. Elongate your neck. Just practice proper posture in front of a mirror. Certain types of bad posture are taken as a sign of low self-esteem. Instead, take up space with your posture, and have proper form.

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Take a picture of yourself in a bathroom mirror with your shirt off. If you really want the ladies, throw in a 'magnum' pose from Zoolander. I promise you will have 100 interested women within an hour.


Seriously, I agree with the other posters. Try to look happier, and get a delay timer camera.

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Get a digital camera with a delay timer, take the picture over & over until you get what you're looking for.


I use alot of that for most of my pictures. The last 2 i posted are exceptions from when i was hanging out with a few friends. Ahh... let me see if i can post at least one where i'm actually smiling. I'll have to upload one from my camera.


Take a picture of yourself in a bathroom mirror with your shirt off. If you really want the ladies, throw in a 'magnum' pose from Zoolander. I promise you will have 100 interested women within an hour.


Does that really work lol? Maybe if I had a sculpted body...


Since everyone said something about be being bored I wanted to point out that's how I usually am. I only really smile when I'm around friends and people I know well. I guess you could also say my life is pretty boring, that would explain why I look like that.

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Does that really work lol? Maybe if I had a sculpted body...



no, don't do that mirror thing. only meathead douchebags do that when they want to impress girls! you're better off looking like you're having fun! JPO was kidding anyway (he put that part in white for some reason!)

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