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I hate him one day and love him the next?


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My relationship with my guy is ridiculously volatile, and I think it's only due to my emotions and moodiness. I notice that sometimes I'm with him and I just despise him, like really really despise him. Everything he says annoys the crap out of me. Or, some days every text I get from him makes me angry. These times I always end up starting a fight with him or something. I usually think seriously about breaking up with him. Then, the next day I will miss him terribly, and want to see him, and then we get along marvelously and I think gosh I love him, how could I have considered breaking up?

Basically this has been constant for over a month. I'm wondering if this has happened to anyone else and if it is just a normal relationship issue, or if the relationship is just unhealthy. I'm not really sure. Any advice would help.

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I'm like that, its basically you have an unhealthy view of relationships, maybe from being hurt in the past? You are in between pushing away the love you deserve, to wanting it so badly. Basically you are finding it hard to trust and may also have issues with feeling controlled. Not uncommon though, believe me, lol.

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It is not healthy at the least bit and an emotional rollercoaster of that sort is sure to bring you heart ache and pain. IMO I would step back and give it a break.


The real key here for this lady (the original poster) is to TALK with her boyfriend about how she feels, she needs reassurance. Taking a break will only hurt him, make him back off, then it will be a roller coaster of "he is backing off, he doesnt really like me" and he will be like "does she want me? doesnt she?" - nightmare. Just talk to each other.

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The real key here for this lady (the original poster) is to TALK with her boyfriend about how she feels, she needs reassurance. Taking a break will only hurt him, make him back off, then it will be a roller coaster of "he is backing off, he doesnt really like me" and he will be like "does she want me? doesnt she?" - nightmare. Just talk to each other.


Thank you guys for all your help... I've been trying to talk to him and it usually just ends up in fights. I think we're headed for disaster but... we'll see. Thanks again.

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This is so hard, because if you express these concerns to your BF, he will only feel hurt by them and feel insecure and may back off. I have been told to deal with this internally and not share it with him, but I can't help but share it with him sometimes. How long have you been together?

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Codependency. He doesn't want you to change b/c if something changes it will upset his world. If YOU can make positive changes for yourself, then you may have leave him behind if he's unwilling or unable to change as well. He should not be addicted to the drama like this.

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