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when should I tell my supervisor about this?

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I started a job close to a month ago. During the initial interview, my now-supervisor told me he preferred for me to come in from 10 am to 7 pm. He said he wanted me to do those hours at least in the beginning, and that that could be changed later on.


I've come to realize that I really dislike starting at 10 a.m. I'm usually up at 7 a.m., so I'm left trying to figure out how to kill 2 hours in the morning. And leaving work every day at 7 pm isn't fun, either. It doesn't leave me time at night to do much.


My supervisor told me to come in at 9 a.m. today and leave at 6 because something urgent has to get done early. Honestly, I love coming in earlier. What's more, I'm even more energetic than when I come in later.


Should I wait until my 3 month evaluation rolls around? I think leaving earlier would also give me more time to spend with my grandma, which isn't doing too well (Mind you, he told me the first day that health and family comes first.)


Any suggestions welcome. Thanks.

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Yes, I would wait until your evaluation. He made his expectations clear from the start, so its important to honor this. Like he said, your hours can be modified at a later date, but the first 3 months of employment is generally considered a "probationary period", so just stick it out for a bit longer. Your evaluation would be an appropriate forum to discuss changes to your work schedule and structure. Good luck!

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You did take the job with the hours offered so you should wait. If there is a good reason for these hours they may stay as they are. You can always look for another job while you keep this one since you have a couple of hours to kill in the mornings.


Bring up at you eval and see what he says.



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I hate to say this but the employee fits the job, the job doesnt necessarily fit the employee. If he wants you to come in this time it's probably for a reason.


However, having said that if it's a good boss and you have good negotiation skills it's worth asking in your evaluation. Good Luck.

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Try to stick it out for another 8 weeks to your evaluation. If you must approach him about it then what I would say is that you were wondering if there would be an opportunity for you to start coming earlier and leaving earlier. If not at this time, ask him when you can expect for that to happen because you are trying to coordinate a school program or something. That always works and doesn't sound selfish.

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Try to see if you can adjust to your schedule. I was in the same situation with the same 10am-7pm schedule. I stuck it out for about five months & realized it wasn't worth it with an hour commute each way. I gave my notice and found a new job closer.

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