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Are glasses sexy or not?


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So, just as above... Are glasses sexy or not?


I realize this is a subjective question. For me, I love it when a girl wears glasses... particularly when she doesn't wear them all the time. The whole brainy/geek/book-worm thing is hot! I do not however, find glasses sexy as far as women who wear them as an accessory. In other words, she has to actually need to wear them.


What do you guys think?



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I absolutely adore glasses on men. But, the thing is that guys used to hate glasses until every girl started wearing those thick rimmed ones that are in fashion now. I think usually tools wear those so I'm not attracted to men who wear those, and the women, I find to be obnoxious wanna-be punk little hipsters. My glasses are birth control glasses which is why I absolutely hate wearing them except when I'm trying to save a couple of bucks. This is because I can't get lasik and my glasses are so thick you can use them as a hubble telescope replacement.


Sarah Palin glasses are hot. I majored in Russian Literature or Computer Science glasses are hot.

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On women, YES. Those sexy black rimmed glasses turn me on big time. I don't necessarily like when they wear them all the time, but when the switch it up or only wear them when they relaxing at home, it is really hot to me. It makes me want to do terrible things to them. XD

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On women, YES. Those sexy black rimmed glasses turn me on big time. I don't necessarily like when they wear them all the time, but when the switch it up or only wear them when they relaxing at home, it is really hot to me. It makes me want to do terrible things to them. XD


Okay, nothing against this, but this is an example of what I'm talking about. Men never used to say this until the black rimmed glasses became really popular. A girl puts them on and its supposed to automatically mean she has a brain, or something. I mean, a lot of times men are completely unaware of the fact that their tastes are so insanely influenced by popularity. I've never, for instance, had a man interested in me unless he thought his friend was.

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LOL. I wear the black ones. Thank god for the person who invented the style.


I was just looking at some pics of people at a club/party on Facebook, and honestly I don't think I could hit a club in glasses. I just feel - like I said - unpretty for some reason.

But thanks to those glasses lol- they look kind of sexy.

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Okay, nothing against this, but this is an example of what I'm talking about. Men never used to say this until the black rimmed glasses became really popular. A girl puts them on and its supposed to automatically mean she has a brain, or something. I mean, a lot of times men are completely unaware of the fact that their tastes are so insanely influenced by popularity. I've never, for instance, had a man interested in me unless he thought his friend was.


As far as I remember, I always liked it. But really, who cares? They are popular now, so you're good. It is not like glasses are the only fashion that changes with time.


Btw, they usually aren't what attracts me to a girl. Initially, I would be more attracted to women without glasses (not always, some girls just look really good with them). But, once I know them and I am already attracted to them, it really turns me on when they wear them occasionally.

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Contacts are a pain in the rear. lol.


I think they are easier than dealing with glasses that constantly get dirty, you can scratch up, or lose. Takes 5 seconds to get them in and then you don't even know they are there. (Except on a few occasions and it hurt like a ****^! XD)

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I think they are easier than dealing with glasses that constantly get dirty, you can scratch up, or lose. Takes 5 seconds to get them in and then you don't even know they are there. (Except on a few occasions and it hurt like a ****^! XD)


No, you're definitely right. lol. Just playing devil's advocate.

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I think they are easier than dealing with glasses that constantly get dirty, you can scratch up, or lose. Takes 5 seconds to get them in and then you don't even know they are there. (Except on a few occasions and it hurt like a ****^! XD)


Agreed. I used to understand why people choose glasses>contacts till I tried it myself. My glasses kept getting greasy/dirty due to my eyelashes brushing against them or skin (sometimes). (I swear I'm not gross and DO shower lol).


Contacts are way better and the disposable ones are cheap.

Too bad I need eye drops to lubricate my eyes though every few hrs.



But ehh.. guys with glasses look cute too. I'm now ashamed to admit it but i like guys with dark rimmed ones too.

The ones with no rim or a thin metal rim just don't do it for me.

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Contacts are way better and the disposable ones are cheap. Too bad I need eye drops to lubricate my eyes though every few hrs.


Did you just start wearing contacts? I used to have to do that for the first month or so, but never now. Your eyes should adjust and actually start producing more tears to keep your eyes from drying out.


I have the same problem with greasy glasses. My eye lashes are super long, like weird long, especially for a guy lol. I don't take showers though. (I have actually on a few occasions had a women I didn't know approach me and tell me that my eye lashes were long. I'm not sure if it is a compliment or not, so it was one of those awkward, "okay..." moments.)

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Hahah, I'll never get some guys and their fascination with avoiding hygene.


Actually, I've been wearing contacts for 5 yrs now, and ignored the fact that my eyes would get dry. I figured they would re lubricate themselves.. Stupid me.

I developed an eye irritation due to it lately and maybe I'll have to keep using the drops.

Oh well. I'm going to get it checked in a few days.


My lashes are also super long lol! Haven't seen a dude with super long lashes though.

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With the many brands, styles, sizes, and shapes of glasses, I refuse to believe that there isn't a pair that would look good on anyone.


I love how they look on women. From nerd/goth girls going for a gaudy-but-somehow-hot trashy look to distinguished women like Tina Fey.


And from the '80s cartoon, I always thought Baroness from G.I. Joe always looked hot in a sort of dominant way

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I like the shock factor that comes along when you see a pretty girl with glasses, and she takes her glasses off and she's even prettier and her eyes are piercing you. I love that.


Other than that though, I'm indifferent to glasses. I'm a little worried though. I've been thinking about getting some soon as my nearsightedness has been bothering me a bit. I'm not sure how I'd look in them.

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