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My ex broke up with me two months ago and I was pretty heart broken and upset. I had chosen to stick with her even after she was unfaithful and broke my trust in the past. My difficulty with rebuilding trust in her, coupled with communication problems and us growing more distant seemed to take a toll.


I immediately went NC to give myself some space to absorb/process everything. It came at a bad time and I was upset and hurt. When I noticed that she re-added the guy she cheated on me with as a friend of facebook (her ex who she claimed was so horrible to her) I got very upset and deleted my friendship with her on facebook to help me move on.


It has been two months since I have talked to her and I though I was doing good. She called today when I was at the gym and left a message on my phone asking me how I was doing and asking me to give her a call.


Part of me wants to call but part of me is still angry/upset and the message brought back a flood of emotions.


What should I do?

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Ignore the phone call, she doesn't deserve to kick you in the stomach again and then rip out your heart...for sure you will regret calling her, then you will be sad, hurt, angry, and back to square #1 again...leave the cheater to her rotten new/old bf...they deserve each other....find yourself and don't look back~!

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If you had it in you to delete her off facebook, you have it in you to just ignore a phone call. Besides, why would you want anything to do with someone who cheated on you, and then started befriending the guy she cheated on you with, soon after the breakup? There really isn't any point in having any kind of relationship with your ex.

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You're taking the right steps forward by NC and deleting her fb. Didn't you feel a tiny bit better after doing those things? Why stop moving forward where you will feel even better? No good can come from talking to her now. Delete the message on the machine and forget that it ever happened. You're strong, just remember that.

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