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Is that a bad sign?


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Well this is a part 2 of my first question, after i asked her out and taht she said she was kinda confused, i got advices from you guys to keep it cool. She and I are still friends though but i dont know since yesturday she kinda stopped calling me, so i called her and she said taht she was going to the movies with a friend..I asked who and she just answered a friend....does this mean taht it is over me and my chances of getting her?

If so what should i do to get come to me?


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Well she could mean a friend or another guy. You'll never really know until later, perhaps. Maybe you could call her again and ask her if she would like to see a movie with you or do something with you as a friend. Since she just turned you down, you might want to wait awhile before firing the engines again; she knows what you want and might be suspicious that things you do with her might mean your trying to get with her. So whoever it was, it doesn't matter since if she does have a BF, they'll break up and you can comfort her which will make you two cloes then you can ask her out again. Remember don't rush things. I hope that helps.

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