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Foot in mouth syndrome


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I suffer from foot in mouth syndrome all the time... yet I don't know how to stop myself. In particular, I feel I scare off many potential friends and lovers by saying too much, or focusing too hard on something. To make matters worse, I can't seem to shake the guilt after this happens... like I keep wanting to apologize for my actions, things I've said, etc. Beating a dead horse as it were. I guess I'm just insecure and want reassurance that "everything is okay".


Does anyone else suffer from foot in mouth syndrome?



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I have a marked lack of tact & diplomacy when dealing with people in person....although I'm not sure if that's the same thing you're talking about.


People find my bull-in-a-china-shop approach crudely charming or they think I'm a mannerless boor.


Either way, everyone knows where they stand in rather quick order.


Personally, I think there's something to be said for that.

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Thanks guys. Ummm, I don't think it's desperation Ghost, it's really only pertinent if I truly care about the person, some people I wouldn't care if I offended them or not. I rarely apologize for what I said, more so how I said it, my timing, etc. I'm not looking to curtail my words for someone else, or seek their approval that way.


It's more so like what shes2smart said. I speak my mind and can blurt out things without regard to how someone is going to react. I try hard not to analyze my words. But once it's out there it's out there. And I often find myself in a position where I'm having to (or feeling like I have to) explain myself. It's the feeling like "Oh crud, I shouldn't have said that."


I suppose I need to create some sort of filter for my brain. Maybe write it down, save it, then review it to see if I'm being a jerk or something... I don't know, hence my question here.



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Maybe write it down, save it, then review it to see if I'm being a jerk or something... I don't know, hence my question here.


That's actually a pretty good idea.


I've mellowed (some) with age and have at least learned to think about what I'm saying before it's flying out of my mouth. (.....well, most of the time......ok, more than I did when I was in my 20's anyway....)


I dunno...maybe there was a time or two when I was on the receiving end of someone else's stray tactless remark that hit a sensitive spot and a dim bulb went off in my head that maybe I was unintentionally leaving a trail of hurt feelings in my wake by not tempering my words (well...at least trying to...)


In other words, I started making the realization that I have got to start being nicer because crude charm wears thin real damn fast.


Mostly, I keep the really obviously hurtful stuff in my head until til I can get it into my journal.

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