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Injury is getting me down, trying to stay positive but it's hard


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So, as you guys know, I broke my ankle last Sunday, had surgery Monday and have been in a cast since then. Well late last night there was blood/fluid exiting from the cast... not good. Today I went into the hospital again to see what was up. The nurse cut off the cast and underneath it was nasty... all sorts of fluid and blood were in the bandages. Anyway, long story short there was a build up of edema fluid? from the surgery which was making its way out through the incisions. Everything was cleaned up and now I have an "air cast" which is much better than the fiberglass one. At least I can remove this thing once in a while and clean my leg and whatnot. Looks like I have a big robot foot


But... I now feel like I'm fighting depression... I can feel it coming on. I feel so out of place not being able to DO anything. I can't go to work, I can't water my plants, I can't mow the lawn, I can't build anything, I can't go hiking... this injury has completely messed up my plans. I was suppose to have a date this weekend too, which has been delayed inevitably. I was suppose to go to Spokane to go camping with friends in a couple weeks... can't do that. Can't go see my friends in Seattle in August either. I'm so bummed... all I can do is play on the computer, read, and watch movies. The pain meds are messing me up too. I'm tired all the time and my personality is not my chipper self.


Beyond all the stuff I can't do, or have to put off for a while... I keep thinking about the accident. It haunts me. I tried to go over and look at the scene of the accident and I can't stand to look at it. Whenever my ankle gets the slightest tinge of pain it's like I'm right back on the ground in agony... the incident just keeps replaying in my head over and over. I've gotta find a way to get past this or I'm going to be insane in a few weeks!



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A few years ago I broke my foot (whilst hanging out the washing); I'm pretty physically active, like you, and it was an absolutely dreadful time. I'm a really keen dancer and it's put paid to me doing my ballet, well, ever again.


I'm wondering if it's partly the lack of physical exercise that's getting you down - you may find that doing yoga exercises, many of which don't put any weight or strain on your feet, may be of benefit. Or any other physical exercises you are aware of which you can still do. Not just for the physical benefits but the psychological and spiritual ones, too.


Can you use this time to research something you're interested in? Do a short online course? Catch up on reading books you've always meant to read, but never got round to? Do you have any creative interests, e.g. writing, drawing, playing a musical instrument?


The last part of your post makes me think you are suffering from post-traumatic stress - just let the emotions around the accident express themselves in whatever way fits for you - crying, raging, shaking, whatever - and if that doesn't 'exorcise' the trauma, seek professional help.


Hope this helps!

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Hi mate.Sorry to hear your predicament.Several years ago I got hit by 2 semi trailer trucks while in my car ..it hurt. In my reaer view I saw the back of my car crushing towards me. I had that repeat in my mind for a long time.Its called post traumatic stress. Most of the pain in your memory will go but if it disturbs you alot ask for a psychologist. Also a few weeks ago I had a heart scare and when I was in hospital I had my computer . I found sitting on ENA helped pass the time ..it was very good on my mind while being stuck in one place. Realise that all the activities you miss are just not practical at the moment and count your lucky stars it was not worse.

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After having had a couple of broken bones and several surgeries, here's my .02:


Are you taking pain medication? How often? What kind?


If you are taking any sort of narcotic, it may trigger depression -- it sure as heck did for me.


I'm not suggesting you stop taking pain meds...you legitimately need them and may legitimately need them for a while. What I am suggesting is be aware that they may be wreaking havoc on your mood and don't use them any longer or any more than you absolutely have to.


I didn't know that after my first surgery. Took them as prescribed (every 4-6 hours for 4-6 weeks post surgery) and I was a basket case after 3 weeks....and complete depressive trainwreck after 6 weeks. Learned my lesson after that and cut way back after subesequent surgeries - maybe only 1 dose every 6 hours and only for 2-3 weeks. I was in a much better frame of mind.

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Thanks for the replies everyone. I have not tried to do anything physical in terms of exercise, yoga or otherwise. This probably is a factor in the way I feel... I'll see if I can't figure out something to do on that front.


Topbloke... you're accident was clearly much more serious than mine. Did you have any injuries? Glad you're okay. How long did it take for your mind to get over the constant replay of the accident? Is this something where you had to "face your fear" ? In other words, did you have to look in the rear view mirror until you no longer saw the accident? Or did one day the replays just stop? I agree ENA is great for these times in life.


Shes2smart... I've been give Vicodin and Perkasets. I can take either/or every 4-6 hrs for pain and depending on the intensity of my pain. The Perkasets I guess are suppose to be stronger. I'll take your suggestion and back off a little bit and see if it helps some. I have a good tolerance for pain, but at times it's too much for me and I resort to taking the meds.


I forgot to mention that I did get to see my incisions. Looks like I'll have 2 six inch scars on either side of my ankle... COOL Maybe I'm weird, but I kinda like scars.



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Vicodin and Percocet is what is given to people who are dealing with great pain (after pregnancy, broken bones, wisdom tooth removal ect...). Make sure if you're taking both Vicodin and Percocet at the same time you do not overdose with them combined (ask a doctor) because both medicines contain Acetaminophen which CAN cause liver damage/failure if overdosed (so does Tylenol).


Personally my experience with Vicodin is when I had 4 wisdom teeth removed at the same time. For me it made me very drowsy and under the weather. Your doctor probably already told you this but if your taking Vicodin you can't drive.


The only advice I can really give you is try to stay active at home (invite friends over) just do your "at home" hobbies basically.


Edit: I understand these situations suck I had my wisdom teeth removed during spring break and in high school one year my Summer was ruined because I fractured my leg when I was on the swing and it *snapped* ><.>



2nd Edit: Here this might be useful to you...it shows the side affects of Vicodin (highlighted red ones are the more possible serious ones): link removed



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