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Why are there no threads about Vicious legal battle with stbx?


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My story is simple, but more complex than many divorces with kids, according to the attorneys. Our battle is a one of finances... she has kept it all during marriage, while living mostly off of my income... now I am unemployed and going broke. Because her attorney is a more vicious litigator, my ex is winning and is forcing my bankrupcy while she sits on a very good job 150K a year, and has kept between 1/3 and 1/2 a million dollars from marriage assets. Yes I am talking big financial battle, and I have yet to win a thing. Because she has a more ruthless and unscrupulous attorney all court hearing have gone her way. I have a very small income from rental property, which has kept her from having to pay temporary spousal support, since there is so much paperwork involved and since no judge is really willing to go through so much expense paperwork my support case is languishing.

What the hell can I do? Anyone got any advice that is not about making me feel better at this time? I need more advice on how to gain some justice. Anybody?



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You need to hire yourself an aggressive attorney ASAP! Don't worry about the cost, it will cost you much more to keep on going the way you are going. If she has an aggressive attorney (and aggressive attorneys are allowed and legal, in fact they are preferred by many judges), you need to get one on your side as well.

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Yeah, I am doing this again...


In year 2, and almost on year 3, I have changed atorneys. I am on my 3rd. The first was an Embezzler and disbarred for it, the second was a pushover in court, so I am on my 3rd, and they know how litigious my ex's attorney are. Been there done that. It cost about 20K for the first attorney, 40K-50K for the second, and the third has just started. If you believe in God, say a prayer for me, as the Devil is on the earth.



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First of all, what are the grounds for the divorce? And what state? Some states have automatic formulas regarding the splitting of property.


the simple one.. unreconcilable differences... California... and the number of claims are extensive on both sides... but it appears that since she had written a more thorough settlement proposal hers is being considered first, with my claims to take a back seat, and only her claims to be addressed.


any clear thoughts on how to proceed?



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